It is not I who refuse, O Lady, they travail; for I know of others who have washed the soilure of birth in me--but Hera hath largely threatened me. Behold what manner of watcher keeps vigil on the mountain top, who would lightly drag me forth from the depths. What shall I devise...
The Royal Watcher. 2022.The Royal Watcher. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 14 February 2022]. (for event dates) Van Der Kiste, John, 1999.Kings of the Hellenes: The Greek Kings 1863 – 1974. Stroud: Sutton Publishing. Ancestors of Prince Philip, Duke ...
Theora means “a thinker or watcher” and pronounced approximately as THIYerAH. Theresa Theresa means “to harvest” and pronounced as teh-ree-sah or tah-REE-sah. The name of the patron saint of missionaries, Mother Theresa. Thesally Thesally is an ancient Greek-place and pronounced as TH...
bishop episkopos‘watcher, overseer’, a title for government officials, later taken over in a Church sense, from epi–‘over’ + skopos ‘watcher’ catholic katholikos, from kata‘about’ + genitive case of holos‘whole’ cosmos kosmos‘orderly arrangement’ dinosaur deinos‘terrible’ + sauros...
"She [Maia] bare a son [Hermes] . . . a bringer of dreams, a watcher by night." Aesop, Fables 563 (from Babrius, Fabulae 30) (trans. Gibbs) (Greek fable C6th B.C.) : "A sculptor was selling a white marble statue of Hermes which two men wanted to buy: one of them, whose...
The Homeric Hymn 4 to Hermes describes the god as one “of many shifts (polytropos), blandly cunning, a robber, a cattle driver, a bringer of dreams, a watcher by night, a thief at the gates, one who was soon to show forth wonderful deeds among the deathless gods.” Hermes was a ...
THEORA: "watcher." Variants include Theore, and Thora. THERA: "untamed." Variants include Thira, Thyra, and Tyra. THETIS: mother of Achilles THISBE: lover of Pyramus TIENETTE: "crowned in victory." Variant Tynet exists. TIFFANY: " gods incarnate." Variants include Theophane, Theophanie, ...
"And [Hera] set a watcher upon her [Io], great and strong Argos (Argus), who with four eyes looks every way. And the goddess stirred in him unwearying strength : sleep never fell upon his eyes; but he kept sure watch always."Aeschylus...
For MYTHS of Helios as the all-seeing watcher see: (1) Helius & Demeter's Search for Persephone (previous page) (2) Helius & the Adultery of Aphrodite (previous page) For MORE information on Helios as the all-watching god see: (1) Helius God of Sight (this page) (2) Helius ...
[She then fled to the river Peneios in Thessalia seeking refuge.] Peneios answered her : ‘Hera hath largely threatened me. Behold what manner of watcher keeps vigil on the mountain top, who would lightly drag me forth from the depths . . . I will endure for thy sake . . . Here am...