Word Origin:From the Greek words νίκη (nikē, meaning "victory") and δῆμος (dēmos, meaning "people") Corresponding Greek / Hebrew Entries:While there is no direct Hebrew equivalent for Nicodemus, the concept of "victory" can be related to Hebrew words like נֵצַ...
Ancient Greece campaign - Tie your provinces firmly to your side and lead the last victorious campaign to crush the Greeks forever. Win a game by completing any victory condition as Achaemenid Empire on the campaign map. Phrygia Ancient Greece campaign - Take the lead and rise to the seat of...
Meaning: Victorious and triumphant Variations/Synonyms: Nichole, Nikole, Nicolle, Nicholle, Nicky, Nicki, Nika, Nicolette, Nicola, Colette, Nikki, or Nickie Olympia Origin: Greek Meaning: Heavenly woman or a goddess from Mount Olympus Variations/Synonyms: Olympiah, Olimpia, or Olympie Ophelia Orig...
"The herdsman Pan sang loudly, pouring out his victorious note, drawing on the Satryoi (Satyrs) to dance drunkenly after their war."Nonnus, Dionysiaca 29. 284 ff : "The syrinx of Pan with its changeable sweet notes tuning up for battle."Nonnus...
And now, her former shape gradually restored by Jove [Zeus], Io is walking the fields victorious over Juno [Hera], when lo! she sees Tisiphone [one of the Erinyes] with brands of fire and coiling snakes and fiendish yells; at the first sight she stops and passes once again into the ...
As he is called the "Ruler of Nine Bows" in the relief of the east side, these events probably happened in Year 8; i.e., his majesty would have used the victorious fleet for some punitive expeditions elsewhere in the Mediterranean.Little is known about the Weshesh, though even here ...
When Iolaus, Heracles’ charioteer, was about to fight Eurystheus, he asked Hebe to make him young again for one day. Hebe was initially reluctant, but Themis, the goddess of justice, told her it would be fair. Hebe granted Iolaus’ wish, and he emerged victorious. ARTS, THEATER, AND...
men of the Regiment died of starvation and exposure with no help from the victorious Greeks. The plague claimed its victims. European volunteers sold their weapons in a desperate attempt to find money to buy their way back to Europe. Soon splendid uniforms were on sale in the bazaars, and ...
Winckelmann’s Geschichte der Kunst des Altertums (1764) pinpointed the Persian Wars of 480-479 BCE as the starting point for the Early Classical periods, since the victorious Greeks would have felt a sense of self-confidence, capability, and worth. However, if the Kritios Boy predates 480 ...
When the Romans were fighting against Pyrrhus of Epeirus, Aemilius Paulus received an oracle that he should be victorious if he would build an altar where he should see a man of the nobles with his chariot swallowed up in an abyss. Three days later Valerius Conatus in a dream saw a ...