Tact — Ability to communicate and interact with others in a sensitive and effective manner, named after the Greek word táktos (silent, orderly, discreet).机智-以敏感和有效的方式与他人沟通和互动的能力,以希腊单词táktos命名(沉默,有序,谨慎)。 Hedonist — A person who seeks pleasure and self-...
Theater. Many words associated with theatre have roots in Greek. Theater comes for the word theatron meaning "seeing place".Dramacomes form the word dran meaning "to do" Many dramas were presented in the theater in Athens, yet only forty-three plays have been found intact. What was the fun...
Greek theater buildings were called a theatron. The theaters were large, open-air structures constructed on the slopes of hills. They consisted of three principal elements: the orchestra, the skene, and the audience.The centrepiece of the theatre was the orchestra, or "dancing place", a large...
Greek National Committee for Combating Desertification Greek National Opera Greek National Reconciliation Caucus Greek National Road Greek National Theater ▼ Complete English Grammar Rules is now available in paperback and eBook formats. Make it yours today!
actor.Performances at the annual Dionysian festival soon included plays with three actors as well as the standard hymns.By 449 B.C.,the Greeks were giving prizes to the best actor and the best playwright at the festival.A modern word for actor—thespian recognizes the debt today's drama ...
A modern word for actor-thespian recognizes the debt today's dram a owes to Thespis.Performing in a Greek play required physical strength. Because each play had only three actors, performers had to play several roles. Chorus members both sang and danced.Being in the chorus for the many ...
The word skene means tent, and it is possible that they used an actual tent in the earliest performances. However, it is believed that a permanent structure was being used as a skene at the Theater of Dionysus during the 5th century BCE. This is because an opening scene of Aeschylus' ...
Noun 1. Greek mode - any of the descending diatonic scales in the music of classical Greece musical mode, mode - any of various fixed orders of the various diatonic notes within an octave Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.Want...
Synonyms for stoicism Collins WordNet nounresignation Synonyms resignation acceptance patience indifference fortitude long-suffering calmness fatalism forbearance stolidity dispassion impassivity imperturbability Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollin...
The participants dealt with subjects such as motherhood, tradition, fear, friendship, love, life, trust and fanaticism, and reminded the audience of those moments in which the word "too" doesn't describe quantity, but universality, according to the organizers. ...