But it was exactly this well-honed resentment of thoughtless men that steeled her spine and made her demand better for herself whenever she had offers back home. Pivoting to go back inside the hotel, she entered the rotating doors as Demitri entered them from the inside. She ignored him as...
Instead, he fell headlong from the roof; his neck was wrenched away from the spine, and his would went down to the house of Haides. As the rest came out I had words to say to them : ‘Doubtless you think you are on your way to your own homes, to your own country. But no; ...
In Arabic astronomy the twins were seen as peacocks. In Egyptian astrology they were twin goats, or else the two gods, Horus the Elder and Horus the Younger, while classical Greek mythology identified them as the twin brothers, Castor and Pollux, aka The Gemini, from the Latin word for twi...
The generic name is derived from the Greek word άκανθα (acantha), meaning spine, and the Latin word cereus, meaning candle.▶︎ acanthocyte, acanthocytosis (same as acanthrocyte, and acanthrocytosis, respectively) (kytos cell osis condition)acanthocyte [ə'kænθəu,...
. . but fell headlong from the roof, and his neck was broken away from the spine, and his spirit went down to the house of Aides (Hades)."Homer, Odyssey 10. 561 ff : "As my men were going on their way I spoke among them, saying : ‘Ye think, forsooth, that ye are going ...
For more details, visit my ordering information page. Occultopedia is a FREE online resource available to the whole world. Usage of my word definitions and articles by educational institutions, teachers and students alike, is here by granted. Reproduction for profit, and for display in another ...
rhach- spine rhage- (G) tear, rent, burst (hemorrhage) rhe- (G) flow (rheobase, rheotropism); when preceded by a short vowel another r added: diarrhea, catarrh, hemorrhoids rhex- (G) rupture (cardiorhexis) rhin- nose, snout rhiz(o)- (G) root (rhizome, mycorrhiza, Rhizopoda) ...
peschandritsas tend to be large in size – they can weigh up to 34 kilograms – and are known for their large mouths full of razor-sharp teeth. Ambush predators, they attract prey with the aid of a spine modified to act as a lure, then gulp it down in one lightning-fast movement. ...
) A friend of mine, a fine and resplendently eccentric volunteer editor for community projects, rejoices in the fact thatBirthdaysappears asBrithdayson the gilt-leather spine of an archival tome in his local library’s history room. (Apparently that can be überfunny if you’re Jewish and a...
But the priest of Lydian Zeus left the fragrant temple redolent of incense, and without steel made with piercing words, a word for a spear, no cutting steel, and brought the Son of Earth (Ge) to obedience with his tongue; his bold mouth was his lance, his word a sword, his voice a...