however, when Aristaios (Aristaeus) [of Thessaly] migrated. The Dog-star Sirios (Sirius) was scorching the Minoan Islands from the sky, and the people could find no permanent cure for the trouble till
to, towards (adductor) When used as a prefix the d is sometimes changed to the first consonant of the following word, e.g., acclimate, afferent, assimilate; As a suffix it means towards the part of the body indicated by word to which it is suffixed, e.g., cephalad, towards the ...
His name is connected with the Greek word for seal.PONTUS (Pontos) The Protogenos or primordial god of the sea. Pontos was little the liquid form of the sea itself rather than an anthropomorphic god.POSEIDON The king of the seas and lord of the sea-gods. Poseidon received his domain ...
And he sent many a messenger to Pytho and Dodona so that he might discover what deed or word of his would find favor with the gods. But they returned with report of oracles, riddling, obscure, and darkly worded. Then at last there came an unmistakable utterance to Inakhos, charging and...
For it is related that Deukalion ruled over Phthia, and, in a word, over ThessaIia (Thessaly). The Enipeus, flowing from Othrys past Pharsalos, turns aside into the Apidanos, and the latter into the Peneios (Peneus) [i.e. the main river of the Thessalian valley]."...
: "When [after the Great Deluge] Tellus (the Earth) [Gaia] deep-coated with the slime of the late deluge, glowed again beneath the warm caresses of shining Sol (the Sun) [Helios], she brought forth countless species, some restored in ancient forms, some fashioned weird and new."...
one dived deep down into the underwater caves and hunted for speckled fishy prey down below, stretching a groping hand over the swimming fry--left the deeps again and offered to Bakkhos [Dionysos] the fish purpled with the slime of the opulent river. Seilenos (Silenus) the old vagabond,...