4286próthesis(from4253/pró, "before" and5087/títhēmi, "purposefully set forth") – properly,providence– literally, "a setting forth in advance for aspecific purpose("God'spre-thesis"). NAS Exhaustive Concordance Word Origin fromprotithémi Definition a setting forth, i.e. fig. proposal, ...
Come, all-propitious, and thy suppliant hear, till fates' predestined fatal hour draws near."Quintus Smyrnaeus, Fall of Troy 5. 46 ff (trans. Way) (Greek epic C4th A.D.) : "The myriad tribes of much-enduring men dwelt in fair cities. Dike (Justice) watched o'er all."...
In the New Testament, we find the word for “peace” (εἰρήνηeirēnē) 90 times and at least once in every book except 1 John. In the Old Testament, we do find at times that peace refers to the absence of war or the ceasing of hostilities. But that is a very small part...
“most divine” Justinian, the deacon Agapetus reproduces under another form these ideas so prevalent at Byzantium: “It was a sign from God that pointed out the Basileus for the empire; he was predestined in the designs of God to rule the world, even as the eye is set within the head...
. . met his predestined end."Apollonius Rhodius, Argonautica 2. 855 ff : "Who then was next [of the Argonauts] to die? The story goes that it was Tiphys . . . whom destiny (moira) allowed to sail no further."Apollonius Rhodius, Argonautica 4. 1467 ff : "Kanthos (Canthus) . ....
In my view, expressions denoting minimal quantity or value, such as our minimizers, are absolutely apt, not to say virtually predestined, to feed a particular rhetorical strategy: instead of simply asserting that a proposition is not true, the speaker, acting on her own initiative, “concedes...