**Hyle.** Aristotle’s word for "prime matter." Translated by Thomas Aquinas as *material prima*. Aristotle’s concept arose out of a critique of Anaximander’s notion of *apeiron*. **Hyle.** 亚里士多德的术语“原初质料”。由托马斯·阿奎那翻译为*material prima*。亚里士多德的概念源于对阿...
including fornication, adultery, and other illicit sexual practices. It is often used in a broader sense to encompass any sexual activity outside the bounds of a biblically defined marriage between one man and one woman. The term is frequently associated with moral and spiritual unfaithfulness...
Cultural and Historical Background:In the Greco-Roman world, moral and ethical standards were often influenced by philosophical schools of thought, such as Stoicism and Epicureanism. However, the biblical concept of "ponéria" transcends these philosophies by rooting the understanding of evil in the ...
Because machines could be made progressively more and more efficient, Western man came to believe that men and societies would automatically register a corresponding moral and spiritual improvement. English word "εγγράφομαι"(register) occurs in sets: ...
Are you so sure what the EU want isn't the best for Greece? Remember that in human actions very rarely are things absolute. Bad is better than terrible. That's a whole other discussion, but since I'm mostly concerned with moral aspects, let me jump to the third leg other than intent...
Philosophy comes from the Greek wordsphilosandsophiaand means literally thelove of knowledge. A. True B. False Origin of Philosophy: Philosophy began in the 6th century BC and is commonly attributed to the Greek astronomer and mathematician, Thales of...
Moral and Ethical Qualities and Related Behaviour Relations Case Discourse Markers Discourse Referentials Names of Persons and Places Contact Us If you have a question, please first check theFrequently Asked Questionssection before contacting us. ...
Answer to: The word "Philosophy" derives from two Greek words meaning: a) Love and Play b) Love and Knowledge c) Love and Reasoning d)...
You're simplifying somewhat the dynamic: the timing element matters, Grexit would be bad for Greece in short term and potentially good in the medium term, etc... Anyway, I really want to highlight again your othering dynamic, which is imo the big moral difference between us. Do you see...
It implies a deliberate intention to mislead or trick others, often for personal gain or to achieve a particular end. In the New Testament, this term is used to highlight the moral and ethical implications of deceitful behavior, contrasting it with the call for truthfulness and integrity among...