For example, after her hunting attendantCallistogave birth to Zeus’s son Arcas, Artemis contrived with Hera to turn her into a bear. The plan was to have Arcas kill her/ However, just as that was about to happen, Zeus placed both of them into the heavens as theconstellationsUrsa Major ...
Around the second century AD, early Gnostics (ancient Greek religious thinkers) used the word to describe their god. Abraxas is described as a talisman with a cock’s head, but a man’s body(2). The name has often been used in pop culture. One example is in the book and movie,Harry...
Floral, bright, and subtly powerful, Gaia is a name with two separate origins. In Greek mythology, it is the name of the earth goddess and the universal mother, who takes her epithet from the Ancient Greek word for land or ground. It was this ecological element that led actress Emma Thom...
. . They say that the goddess [Artemis] changed him [Aktaion] into a deer, and drove his fifty hunting dogs into a frenzy so that they unintentionally ate him. When he was no more, they looked for their master with great howls and bays, coming in the course of their search to ...
PAN GOD OF HUNTING & DOG PACKSHomeric Hymn 19 to Pan (trans. Evelyn-White) (Greek epic C7th - 4th B.C.) : "He [Pan] courses through the glistening high mountains, and often on the shouldering hills he speeds along slaying wild beasts, this keen-eyed god."...
Artemis was originally a female name, but the modern-day use is for boys because of its masculine sound. The original Artemis was Apollo’s twin sister; she’s the goddess of wild animals, the wilderness, and hunting. Bacchus Origin: Greek Meaning: To shout Variations/Synonyms: Bakkus, Bac...
Very Artemis-like, with the virginity and the hunting ... At some point she involves herself in the Calydonian boar hunt. She may or may not have been one of the Argonauts. But, like so many myths about women, her story seems to end with marriage. She returns to her dad (more ...
People are obsessed with the time and the weather. We’ve talked about the weather since we were all cave dwellers hunting with spears. But the time is a different matter. Sure, people always had the idea of the passage of time. The sun rising and setting gives a natural sense of days...
The hunting season also attracts a throng of Cypriots. The countryside may host as many as 40,000 hunters on Wednesdays or Sundays during the season. The natural resources of the island offer Cypriots of all ages a variety of seasonal sports activities. The three ski runs on Mount Olympus...
(Philottus); and for having had her dispute with Leto about the beauty of their children, her punishment was as follows: Philottos perished while hunting; Assaon, consumed with love for his own daughter, desired to take her to wife; on Niobe refusing to accede to his desires, he asked ...