Melanthios (Melanthius) will arrive on the market last of all; they'll say, ‘no more eels, all sold!’ and then he'll start groaning and exclaiming as in his monologue of Medea, ‘I am dying, I am dying! Alas! I have let those hidden in the beet escape me!’ And won't ...
One leapt out of the gloomy pit swinging her Tartarean whip of vipers; she drew a stream from Kokytos (Cocytus) and water from Styx, and drenched Agaue's (Agave's) rooms with the infernal drops as if with a prophecy of tears and groaning for Thebes; and the deity brought that ...
But Polyphemus lifted away the boulder from the door and sat there in the entrance, groaning with pain and stretching forth his hands to feel if any one were near. Then, while he sat in double darkness, with the light of his eye gone out, Odysseus bound together the rams of the flock...
The word here for laugh [H#6711 tsachaq (tsaw-khak’) to laugh outright (in merriment or scorn); to make sport of; mock](13) is quite interesting. Her laughter was eruptive and spontaneous, an action she could not hold back. Sarah was facing the facts of her geriatric state; she wa...
The Turks… have on several occasions threatened our own civilization with total destruction, and the Greeks have a proverb that wherever they put their feet the grass ceases to grow. This is the crushing yoke under which the motherland of civilization is now groaning. These men are the childre...
This last-mentioned view is by far the best, agreeing as it does with the connexion, for he has been speaking of the gospel above,—with the usus loquendi,—with the whole subject of the Epistle. The word μέλλουσαν has by some been supposed to be used “ex prospectu vet...
Maiden, you have gained a cruel suitor for your hand. As to the tale you now have heard--understand that it has not even passed the introduction. Io : Ah me, ah me, alas! Prometheus : What! You are crying and groaning again? What will you do, I wonder, when you have learned ...
: "She [one of the Erinyes] drew a stream from Kokytos (Cocytus) and water from Styx, and drenched Agaue's (Agave's) [the mother of Pentheus] rooms with the infernal drops as if with a prophecy of tears and groaning for Thebes."...
Doubtless you see Antaios groaning and looking to Ge (Earth), who does not help him, while Herakles is strong and smiles at his achievement. Do not look carelessly at the top of the mountain, but assume that gods have there a place from which to view the contest; for, observe, a ...
monsters like unto the crags of Ossa: all had single eyes beneath their brows, like a shield of fourfold hide for size, glaring terribly from under; and when they heard the din of the anvil echoing loudly, and the great blast of the bellows and the heavy groaning of the Kyklopes ...