The term ecology (生态) comes from a Greek word that means "the study of the house".Ecology is the study of how all living things interact (相互影响) with their environments.In a way,Earth is the house of all living things.We all live together on this planet and it is our home.Toda...
Thetermecology (生态) comesfrom a Greekwordthatmeans "thestudyofthehouse".Ecologyisthestudyofhowalllivingthingsinteract (相互影响) withtheirenvironments.In a way,Earthisthehouseofalllivingthings.Wealllivetogetheronthisplanetanditisourhome.Today,wealsounderstandecologytomeantakingcareofEarthsothathumans,plant...
The term ecology (生态) comes from a Greek word that means "the study of the house". Ecology is the study of how all living things interact (相互影响) with their environments. In a way, Earth is the house of all living things. We all live together on this planet and it is our hom...
The term ecology (生态) comes from a Greek word that means “the study of the house”. Ecology is the study of how all living things interact (相互影响) with their environments. In a way, Earth is the house of all living things. We all live together on this planet and it is our ...
Whatdoesthewordecologymean?Itwas 1 byErnstHaeckel,aGermanbiologist.HejoinedtwoGreekwords:oikos,meaning"house",andlogie,meaning"thestudyof".Togethertheymean"thestudyofthehouse".The"house"Haeckelhadinmindisour 2 ,Earth.Earthishomeforalllivingthings—humans,animals,plants,andeventinymicrobes.Tostudyahouse...
C The term ecology(生态) comes from a Greek word that means “the study of the house". Ecology is the study of how all living things interact(相互影响)with their environments. In a way, Earth is the house of all living things. We all live together on this planet and it is our home...
MORE GENERAL INFORMATION ABOUT GREECE Ecology Cities Money Weather Sightseeing Maps General Info Do you have a question? Do you have a question about Greece and the Greek islands? Where to stay? Where to eat? And more? Do not hesitate to ask the community! Greeka team and its ...
The term ecology comes from the Greek word oikos, and means ‘the household.’ Ecological responsibility, then, begins at home and expands to fill the entire planet. — Jeremy Rifkin The Green Lifestyle Handbook Science quotes on: | Begin (275) | Ecological (7) | Ecology (81) | Entire ...
eco (house) – ecology, economics endo (inside) – endocrine epi (upon) – epicenter geo (earth) – geology, geography, geological hal, halo (salt) – halogen hel, helo (sun) – helium hex (six) – hexagon is, iso (equal, same) – isometric ...
opened in 1869,9.the country as a center for world transportation. But it, and the completion of the Aswan High Dam in 197110.the ecology of the Nile, which now struggles to satisfy the country’s rapidly growing population, currently more than 76 million-the largest in the Arab world. ...