Unconventional successes: My Big Fat Greek Wedding and Beauty and the Beast redefined box office success with global impact and enduring popularity.Some movies have gone down in cinematic history as amazing films, earning significant money during their theatrical releases, but they never quite reached...
Original Word: ἴδιοςPart of Speech: AdjectiveTransliteration: idiosPronunciation: EE-dee-osPhonetic Spelling: (id'-ee-os)Definition: own, private, personal, peculiarMeaning: one's own, belonging to one, private, personal; one's own people, one's own family, home, property....
Usage: The Greek word "sarx" primarily refers to the physical body or flesh of a living creature, often emphasizing the human body. In the New Testament, "sarx" is used in various contexts, including: - The physical body or human nature (e.g., John 1:14, "The Word became flesh and...
Speech allows humans to blend their minds and thoughts and consciousness into a single experiential reality, and become like a multi-cellular beast or vast beehive. Animals that have no speech can't begin to imagine what speech is. And if, by some miracle, they would be able to sense that...
Another interesting passage is found in the New Testament book of Revelation, (John the Disciple and Revelator’s apocalyptic writings). John says this of his vision of Jesus: “I saw Heaven standing open and there before me was a white horse, whose rider is called Faithful and True. With...
sevenis God's favorite number. The proof? The Holy Bible. Throughout the Bible (from Genesis to Revelation), the number seven appears many times. What does the H stand for in Jesus? The most likely suggestion is that it comes from a monogram made of the first three letters of the Gre...
Greek Tragedy: Myth and Structure the hero's conquests in the fo rward movement of his life, like each movement of the plot to a new episode, is only a clearer revelation of a hidden past, secrets of birth that prove more elusive the closer he gets. When Oedipus recovers his city and...
states that the Cabeirus Alcon brandished Hekatês Diasôdea purson, so that we may draw the conclusion, that the Samothracians and Lemnians worshipped a goddess akin to Hecate, Artemis, Bendis, or Persephone, who had some sexual connexion with Hermes, which revelation was made in the myst...
(Plutarch, mar., p. 807 b.):Matthew 19:28;Luke 22:30;Revelation 20:4. to elders:Revelation 4:4;Revelation 11:16. to Satan:Revelation 2:13; cf. Bleek at the passage to the beast (concerning which seeθηρίον):Revelation 16:10.θρόνοςis used by metonymy, of one ...
NAS: the mark, [either] the name of the beastKJV: the mark, or the name of the beast, orINT: mark the name of the beast Revelation 13:17 N-GNSGRK: ἀριθμὸν τοῦ ὀνόματοςαὐτοῦ NAS: or the number of his name.KJV: the number of his name....