In Athens, Greek styles of art, architecture, philosophy and theatre were developed. Athens had a democratic government – this means that the people who lived there made decisions by voting, like we do in Britain. In Sparta, life was very different; all that was important was being able to...
Dionysus – son of Zeus, god of wine and celebrations, and patron god of the theatre Other important gods (sometimes included in the 12 Olympians) Hestia – goddess of the home Hephaistos – husband of Aphrodite, and god of fire and the blacksmith’s forge ...
iliad all deaths283VOL: 40$--metope from the temple of zeus at olympia girdle of hippolyta255VOL: 30$--sketches of metopes at olympia unknown authour255VOL: 30$--to kill the lernaean hydra story bbc bitesize255VOL: 30$--deaths in iliad infographic150VOL: --$--118 その他他のブログ...