For non-Greek documents with the occasional Greek symbol or term, babel-greek is an overkill. Using "textalpha" or "alphabeta" instead should solve the indexing and backref problems: gmilde Dec 11, 2022 • edited Sign up for freeto join this conversation on GitHub. Already have an accoun...
[N.B. The sceptre was the ancient Greek equivalent of a crown, the symbol of kingship. In the Iliad Zeus symbolically hands Pelops kingship of the Peloponnesos.]Telestes, Fragment 810 (from Athenaeus, Scholars at Dinner) (trans. Campbell, Vol. Greek Lyric V) (C5th B.C.) : "The first...
) The sacrifices offered to her consisted of pigs, the symbol of fertility, bulls, cows, honey-cakes, and fruits. (Macrob. Sat. i. 12, iii. 11; Diod. v. 4; Paus. ii. 35. § 4, viii. 42, in fin.; Ov. Fast. iv. 545.) Her temples were called Megara, and were often ...
Notice the Capital and small forms for F (PH) , and that capital I in Greek is like the English H while small i is like n. The small ph or f can also look like below especially when used in science as the symbol phi . Lets write a few words in English using Greek letters to l...
I should like to draw attention to the inexhaustible variety of the problems and exercises which it [mathematics] furnishes; these may be graduated to precisely the amount of attainment which may be possessed, while yet retaining an interest and value. It seems to me that no other branch of ...
The zodiac sign of the Scorpion is also a symbol of rebirth. Another face of Scorpio is the Phoenix. Maps get redrawn. Life is for living and while we live, we can still arise and act to launch or build anew. That’s the wind now blowing through. We can stand foursquare in our ...
[1] Remember that the Secret Practice describes Yuebei’s symbol as that of a “drought demon’s head” (batou, 魃頭), and Arabic sources call Perseus’ symbol the “demon’s head” (ra’s al-ghūl). This shows that both cultures considered the head some kind of supernatural monster....
It still seems to be a psychological truth that people who think of new things are often persuaded of their truth just because they thought of them. And now, oddly, we are without an explanation for creativity. THE NINE MUSES(daughters of Mnemosyne & Zeus) nameartsymbol Calliopē Epic (...
Tabitha’s resurrection also became a symbol of the hope that Christians hold in the promise of eternal life. Her story was a foretaste of the resurrection to come for all who believe in Christ, a powerful testament to the truth that death is not the end but a doorway to eternal life wi...
The bow becomes the very symbol of hope and provides Noah and his family with a life purpose (see Phipps 1988; Kaplan 2013, 2020). Nowhere is this contrast more relevant than in the prevention of suicide. Biblical narratives provide a stopper to suicidal crises unavailable in the tragic ...