This is a survey of the contribution of Greek philosophy and medicine to the development of original concepts about the nature of soul, the faculties of mind, and the structure and function of the brain. At the end of this study we wish to single out three issues, which in our opinion, ...
We found multiple references to substances which are used in the lyrics either as analogies, or referring to drug use, or to a 'state of mind'. The overall low degree of drug normalization in Greece, lead the Ultras to seek spaces and time where they can freely talk about drugs without ...
Computer-Assisted (Greek) Language Learning: state-of-the art, potentials and perspectives. Computer-Assisted (Greek) Language Learning: state-of-the art, potentials and perspectives.conference{Charalambopoulou2009, author = "Charalabopoulou, Frieda......
adding that to solve outstanding contradictions and problems facing the mankind, it is necessary to rely on material means to overcome difficulties and rely on the strength of the spirit to rectify mind through thinking with sincerity.
This will bring us to three important questions for scientific research and education: 1) Are scientific deliberation and practical wisdom exclusive skills? 2) Is the will an unneeded faculty of the soul? 3) Is the katharsis a footnote for the lucid and robust contemporary state of mind?
Through the use of idioms, we can see the cultural discrepancies in social customs, religious beliefs, the state of mind and historical development. The Greek and Roman mythology is an important part of the Greek and Roman culture and a priceless cultural heritage of the whole humanity. It ...
The world today is undergoing profound changes unseen in a century, Xi said, adding that to solve outstanding contradictions and problems facing the mankind, it is necessary to rely on material means to overcome difficulties and rely on the strength of the spirit to rectify mind through thinking...
the practice of medicine itself. Modern medicine has accomplished a great deal, even in its application to phenomena of the mind: antipsychotics and antidepressants are not cure-alls by any means, but for a great many people, their mental lives are much improved as a result of these medicines...
40. “The worst of all deceptions is self-deception” – Plato Greek philosopher quotes to expand your mind 41. “Character is destiny.”– Heraclitus 42. “No one that encounters prosperity does not also encounter danger.”– Heraclitus ...
man is nothing, but for the gods the bronze sky endures as a secure home forever. Nevertheless, we bear some resemblance to the immortals, either in greatness of mind or in nature, although we do not know, by day or by night, towards what goal fortune has written that we should run…...