The primary distinction which must be made is between the spelling of Greek words in a Latin form (sometimes with an added French flavour, or slightly Anglicised), and their more direct transliteration. At one time, when Latin was the international language of scholarship, it was the custom ...
A memorization challenge in Modern Greek is that different spellings have different pronunciations. For example, των and τον are both pronounced “ton” even though they have different meanings. The former means “of the plural-something” and the latter means “to the singular-masculine-...
adjectives, and so on, as well as your main verbal roots, suffixes, and prefixes, will give you a great head start in learning Greek fast. It will also help you remember the spelling of words that do not have a grammatical explanation...
of the sign corresponding to the next vowel (e.g.,pe-maforsperma, ta-to-moforstathmos). Consequently, the spellings are oftenambiguous, such aspa-teforpantesandpatēr, pa-siforpansiandphāsi. This inconvenient script and the nature of the documents make Mycenaean inscriptions harder to ...
Latin Spelling Nympha, Nymphae Translation Nymph, Nymphs Hylas and the Nymphs, Greco-Roman mosaic C1st A.D., Musées Gallo-Romains THE NYMPHAI (Nymphs) were beautiful nature-spirits responsible for the nurture of the plants and animals of the countryside and wilds. They were worshipped by...
Transliteration Aêtês, Aêtai Latin Spelling Aetes, Aetae Translation Wind, Winds (aêtes) CLASSICAL LITERATURE QUOTESPARENTAGE OF THE ANEMOINotus the south-wind as summer, Greco-Roman mosaic from Antioch C2nd A.D., Virginia Museum of Fine Arts ...
2.1 Choices that reflect Microsoft voice Translating into Greek in a way that reflects the Microsoft voice means the choosing words and grammatical structures that reflect the same style as the source text. It also means considering the needs of the audience and the intent of the text. The ...
The pronunciation system is the one used at the Polis Institute. While it does not accurately represent the Greek pronunciation of the hellenist period, it can be argued that it allows easy access to the spelling conventions of the time. Personally, I prefer the reconstructed pronunciation of th...
This self-teaching game helps to learn productively correct pronunciation and spelling through visual and audio support. For the correct organization of the learning process will help the function "Smart-Teacher". With this interesting and entertaining game you will be able to add new words from sc...
What is the history of the alphabet? The alphabet that we use today is called the Latin alphabet. It is an adaptation of the Greek alphabet, which itself is an adaptation of the Phoenician writing system. The Phoenician writing system was based on an early system of writing developed in Egy...