希腊字母表_Greek letters
Greek small letter tau τ τ τ τ τ τ Greek small letter upsilon υ υ υ υ υ υ Greek small letter phi φ φ φ φ φ φ Greek small letter chi χ χ χ χ χ χ Greek small letter psi ψ ψ &...
Greek small letter final sigma ς Greek small letter sigma σ Normal stress, standard deviation Greek small letter tau τ Shear stress Greek small letter upsilon υ Greek small letter phi φ Angles, flow rate, potential energy Greek small letter chi χ Greek small letter psi ψ Gears hel...
希腊字母表_Greek letters
希腊字母(Greek letters) 1.1 字母(Letters) 1.1.1 希腊字母(Greek letters) 大写字母 小写字母 所代表的 Capital letter Small letter 英文名 中文名 英语发音 希腊数字 序号 Upper-case Lower-case 称 称 English Greek Order letter letter English Chinese pronunciation Number (HTML 格式 (HTML 格式 name name...
small letter: sigma bound in chemistry big letter: sum symbol in mathematics σ Σ\sigma \SigmaU+03A3 U+03C3 Show sourceτ\tauτShow sourceTTTtausmall letter: average life-tyme of particles in physicsτ Τ\tau TU+03A4 U+03C4 Show sourceυ\upsilonυShow sourceΥ\UpsilonΥupsilonsmall lette...
Einstein’s constant of gravitation is symbolized as the lowercase Kappa, and in cosmology, the universe’s curvature is denoted by small Kappa. It also denotes the coupling coefficient and susceptibility. Lambda (λ) Another letter you are likely familiar with. Lambda is often used as the symbo...
u'\u03c4' # 0xF4 -> GREEK SMALL LETTER TAUu'\u03b8' # 0xF5 -> GREEK SMALL LETTER THETAu'\u03c9' # 0xF6 -> GREEK SMALL LETTER OMEGAu'\u03c2' # 0xF7 -> GREEK SMALL LETTER FINAL SIGMAu'\u03c7' # 0xF8 -> GREEK SMALL LETTER CHIu'\u03c5' ...
7o letter, named o}mikrov n, literally means “small o” sound.8o will be pronounced as “o” in “omelet” in this course.9r at the beginning of a w ord is written with “rough” breathing ( J).10" written at the end of a w ord; s elsew here: seismov" “earthquake.”...
Type the hexadecimal code for a Greek letter. Leave your hand off from option key. The code will be converted to corresponding letter. Change the input method back to your default. For example,option + 03B5will make small Epsilon like ε. You can change the language from input menu icon ...