Begin by deciding on a root word you'd like your students to work on. Have them draw three circles on their paper, and tell them what root they're going to practice. For example, you could have them work on 'auto.' They then need to come up with three words that use this root ...
Usage:The Greek reflexive pronoun ἑαυτοῦ (heautou) is used to indicate that the subject of the verb is also the object, emphasizing the action being performed on oneself. It is often translated as "himself," "herself," "itself," or "themselves" in English. This pronoun is use...
meaning (membrane) – meningitis meno (moon) – menopause narc (numb) – narcolepsy, narcotics naut (ship) – nautical oed (swollen) – edema paed (child) – pediatric path (to feel, hurt) – pathology, rhiz (root) – rhizome schem (plan) – schematic ...
theywillunderstandhowtheprefixmodifiesthemeaningofthebaseword.Andifthebase wordincludesafamiliarroot,suchasnom(meaningname),themeaningoftheunfamiliar wordmisnomerismoreeasilyunderstood. Accordingtoresearchers,bytheendofhighschool,theaveragestudentknows80,000 vocabularywords.Clearly,notallofthosewords,notevenasmall...
Overall, I would highly recommend checking out Hadestown if you can! As a newly converted Latin nerd making my first odyssey into the perilous (root word: periculum) land of Roman jargon, I’m deeply appreciative of my 3rd grade obsession with Percy Jackson. Not only am I able to seem ev...
Latin Root English Meaning English Example Word act act, do actual ami like, love amiable cad fall cadence ced go intercede cept take, hold intercept cid kill, cut genocide clud shut, close occlude cred believe incredulous cur run incur dict tell edict duct lead induct fact make, do ...
Σχολεῖον was not the usual way of referring to a school in Hellenistic Greek, but it came to be used that way not long after, and I decided to use it because our English word “school” derives from this Greek root. It would make the work of the students (principals) a...
aut- , auto- self; directed from within Greek αὐτός (autos) "self", "same" automobile, autonomy avi- bird Latin avis "bird" aviary, aviation axi- axis Latin axis "axis" axisymmetry axio- merit Greek Greek ἄξιος (axios) "worth" axiology Root Meaning In English...
1 The word for ‘biography’ has been universal in all European languages for the last two hundred years.Since it is derived from the Greek root ‘bios’ meaning life,there appears to be some serious error in my title.Surely I mean,‘Biography and Life’?(Biography and Death---The text...
After all, about 50% of the words in any unabridged dictionary include at least one Greek or Latin affix or root. Tier 2 words have even more! The question is how can students most efficiently learn these word parts? Rote memorization has a role; however, tapping into the students’ trans...