Holy Anna, sober in spirit and venerable in years, with reverence confessed the Master freely and openly in the Temple; and proclaiming the Theotokos, she magnified her before all who were present. Protopresbyter Michael A. Platanis, Dean Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Cathedral 1900 Main Street -...
The Holy Trinity Mission Statement To worship and glorify God; by promoting the teachings of the Greek Orthodox Faith, to encourage all members’ participation through our Greek culture, educational programs and community outreach while serving God, our community and humanity with love. ...
Welcome to Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church E.H.T. NJ Our Mission is to become disciples of Christ in thought, word and deed, through loving and humble service to God and mankind, while seeking salvation for all through the Holy Spirit. ...
Your unrestricted gift to the Annual Stewardship Campaign helps fund the day-to-day operations of the New Orleans Greek Orthodox Community and directly supports its ministries, allowing the church to continue its mission to serve the Orthodox faithful in New Orleans and the surrounding areas. Your ...
Come join us We would love for you to participate in the Divine Liturgy with us! You are welcome to visit us in person, or watch our livestream. Orthros begins at 8:15am and Divine Liturgy at 9:30am on Sundays. Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Cathedral ...
“the seal of the gift of the Holy Spirit.” (In order to become members of the Greek Orthodox church, Christians of other faiths who have already been baptized will be confirmed.) Afterwards, the priest cuts off three tiny locks of the child’s hair as a gift to Christ and then ...
Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Cathedral welcomes your participation in our Sunday Divine Liturgy. Check the Calendar for complete list of services. In lieu of your being here in person, you may consider a donation to have a candle lit or for a contribution to our Cathedral tray. Thank you for...
We invite you to take a free Church Tour and learn more about the Eastern Orthodox Christian faith. Take a moment to appreciate the intricate mosaics, the beautiful iconography, the melodious Byzantine chants, and the sweet incense while learning about our centuries-old, deeply-rooted Eastern Orth...
The most important holiday on the Greek Orthodox church calendar, Easter is a big deal. Kids get two weeks off from school, and many adults also take time off work to turn the long weekend into a longer vacation. Religious services take place throughout the Holy Week, but the main events...
Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church 2.2 热度 开园中 9:00-17:00开放 实用攻略 13555 Hillcrest Road, Dallas, TX 75240 地图·周边 暂无点评 快来发表第一条点评~ 写点评 暂无回答 不知道怎么玩?问问旅行达人 去提问 景点附近 美食 景点 购物 Yardbird Table & Bar 5.0 分 1条点评 ¥517/人 ...