Friday, August 15th Ascension of the Virgin Mary (public holiday) In the Orthodox Church, a two-week fast leads up to this day, which commemorates the passing of the Virgin Mary. Naturally, the fast is followed by a feast, which guests usually enjoy in the homes of the many Greeks who ...
On Great and Holy Friday the Orthodox Church commemorates the death of Christ on the Cross. "Today He who hung the earth upon the waters is hung upon the Cross." (From the Fifteenth Antiphon of the Matins of Holy Friday) 0 Shares ...
There are many answers to this question, but for people who want a unique experience of the real life in Crete and Greece, I would suggest them to choose the week of theGreek Orthodox Easter. Table of Contents Easter, the most important religious holiday in Greece Easter is Pascha in Greek...
The most important holiday on the Greek Orthodox church calendar, Easter is a big deal. Kids get two weeks off from school, and many adults also take time off work to turn the long weekend into a longer vacation. Religious services take place throughout the Holy Week, but the main events...
A Greek orthodox wedding: Up to 20 years or so ago, most marriages in Greece were arranged by the parents οf the bride and groom, and to some extent “arrangements” are still made on behalf of some unmarried young people. But today most young people simply meet, fall in love, get ...
“The celebration of Orthodox Easter (Pascha) in Crete lets you participate in magnificent festivities unchanged for centuries. Hear hymns while the scent of incense accompanies the Good Friday procession. Next day feel the eerie atmosphere at midnight when everyone holds candles, waiting for church ...
Jason Fotilas, the Greek Deputy Minister of Culture, is in Australia to mark the centenary celebrations of the Greek Orthodox Church and Patriarch Bartholomew’s visit. On Friday, the Greek Consulate in Sydney hosted a roundtable discussion with the minister and me...
Ferry tickets are individual ferry tickets purchased for a specific route and personal use. If you travel to more than one island, you will need to buy a ticket for each route. For every destination, one ticket! However, you can board one of the many regular ferries and pay a small tick...
Name Days are not birthdays. Name Days, or holy days, date back to Ancient Greece. According to the Orthodox Church, every day of the year has been dedicated to the memory of a Saint or a martyr from the Holy Bible and Holy Tradition. Additionally, each region and island in Greece has...