Greek Orthodox Churches In AnatoliaZ. Ozcan
Greece to financially support 600 Greek Orthodox priests to help protect Christians in Syria and abroad Special legislative regulation is expected within the first quarter of 2025. The opening of 600… 0 Shares CURRENT AFFAIRS Greek NEWS Latest News WORLD News 22 January 2025 Greek UN Employee Unde...
Trapped between two churches: Orthodox and Greek‐Catholics in eastern Polanddoi:10.1080/09637499508431718Serge KeleherReligion State & Society
The Koine Greek that the people spoke in about 300 BCE to 350 CE was the common people's language. The New Testament was written in Koine, it was the official language of the Byzantine Empire until it fell in 1453, and it survives as the liturgical language of the Greek Orthodox church...
You'll need to get to the port in plenty of time. It will take you a while to get from the Metro station to your ferry. You will spend a significant part of that time figuring out where you need to go. There will be huge crowds of people hurrying to their ferry. And, this is ...
Nestorius had seen this coming and had requested and received permission to retire to his former monastery. He never backed down, maintaining that he had been the orthodox one all along. The condemnation of Nestorius and the official anathematization of his teachings led to a major split, natur...
Ethnic studies Twenty -first century participation in two U.S. Greek Orthodox churches UNIVERSITY OF PITTSBURGH AlexChristineThis study provides new insights on the state of participation in a contemporary ethnoreligious group organization, the Greek Orthodox Church. I examine the ethnoreligious ...
Created art in Greek Orthodox churchesLauren Wiseman
Several autocephalous (ecclesiastically independent) Eastern Orthodox churches follow canonical rites derived from the original Byzantine rite. The number of these churches has varied in history but has included the Church of Constantinople (Istanbul), the Church of Alexandria (Egypt), the Church of...
Union of Eastern and Latin churches Despite all the obstacles, union was nevertheless finally pronounced at the SecondCouncil of Lyonin 1274. The Orthodox East was coerced into accepting union. Immediately after Michael’s death (1282), however, the Greek church declared the union invalid. The Gr...