Further thou dist greatly commend swift-footed Atalanta, the slayer of boards, daughter of Arkadian Iasios (Arcadian Iasius), and taught her hunting with dogs and good archery . . . Lady of many shrines, of many cities, hail! Khitone (Goddess of the Tunic), sojourner in Miletos; for ...
Hesiod (Theog. 77. &c.) is the first that states the names of all the nine, and these nine names henceforth became established. They are Cleio, Euterpe, Thaleia, Melpomene, Terpsichore, Erato, Polymnia, Urania, and Calliope. Plutarch (l. c.) states that in some places all nine were ...
p. 771) describes them as marine beings without feet, the place of the hands being occupied by fins, though in the same page he also states that originally they were the dogs of Actaeon, who were changed into men. The following are mentioned as the. names of individual Telchines:--Myla...
The Greek Hound is a black and tan hound, built for tracking and chasing hare that is indigenous to Greece. It has existed for thousands of years and its progenitors are the ancient laconikoi (later: lagonikoi, where lagos=hare) kynes (dogs) native in southern Greece (Peloponessus). The...
The only problem was we had Wallace with us and, as we’d discovered on an earlier attempt on Messene, only guide dogs were allowed inside this large gated site, even on a near-deserted January day. While we sat in the car eating chicken sandwiches for lunch, we mulled over how we ...
Graces is an alternative name for the Charites. Graeae In Greek mythology, the Graeae were three daughters of Phorcys and Ceto: Deino, Pephredo, and Enyo; their names meaning respectively "alarm", "dread", and "horror". They were sisters and at the same time guardians of the Gorgons...
Many names, one of which was to be Phaesporia or Light-Bringer A bow and arrows like Apollo’s a knee-length hunting tunic sixty ocean nymphs as her companions twenty river nymphs to care for her hunting dogs and protect her bow all the mountains in the world one city of Zeus’s choo...
διδωμι (didomi), to give ידד (yadad), to love, דוד (dod), beloved (hence the names Dido and David) δολος (dolos), a cunning contrivance for deceiving or catching דלת (delet), a curtain door (hence the name Delilah) δωρον (doron), a...
had no such problems. Artemis is almost universally depicted as a young, beautiful and vigorous huntress carrying a quiver with arrows and holding a bow, typically wearing a short knee-high tunic and often accompanied by some animal (stag, doe, or hunting dogs). As amoongoddess, she is some...
while on many mountains there is a tribe of human beings with dogs' heads, who wear a covering of wild beasts skins, whose speech is a bark and who live on the produce of hunting and fowling, for which they sue their nails as weapons; he says that they numbered more than 120,000 wh...