Tansy – immortality, flower name Tarasios – of Tarentum Taryn – queen Tekla – divine fame Terentia – guardian Teresa, Teri – Harvester Tess – fourth born Thais – the bond Thalassa – from the sea Thalia – blooming, plentiful Than – death, briliant Thanos – noble Thea – goddess...
But you can also name your child after Greek heroes with interesting stories, such as Odysseus and Jason. The following are some of our top ancient Greek baby names you can choose for your little boy: What Is The Coolest Greek Name? Achilles Origin: Greek Meaning: Pain Variations/...
You can find other interesting stories about Greek goddesses below to help you choose a Greek name for your baby girl: Achlys Origin: Greek Meaning: Goddess of the eternal night Variations/Synonyms: Demon of death Description: According to legend, she existed before Chaos himself. Aglaia Ori...
Meaning ‘you are about to die.’"Suidas s.v. Danake : "Danake : This is the name of a coin which in the old days they gave to the corpses as they buried them, as the fare on the boat over Akherousia (Acherusia). Akherousia is a lake in Haides, which the dead cross, ...
Thanatosmeans “death”in Greek, and it was the name of the god of nonviolent deaths. He’s not always depicted as a god — sometimes, he’s considered a spirit. Thanatos was gentle, but not to be confused with Hades, King of the Dead, who was known for being stern and unyielding....
The Greek name Adonis is derived from a Hasidic word meaning "The Lord." When a person calls someone an Adonis, they mean that he is a handsome man. Is Adonis a god or mortal? Adonis was a mortal man born of an incestuous relationship between two humans. When he died, Aphrodite plea...
Many know the name Uranus regarding the planet, but Uranus was also a Greek God. The original name of Uranus, deriving from Greek roots, is Ouranos, meaning "sky or heaven." However, the word Uranus is actually Latin and translates to "the sky" but was given to the Greek god much lat...
There is no specific meaning for Aesop. Pronounced as EE-sop. Agamemnon Agamemnon means “resolute and inflexible” and pronounced as A-GA-MEHM-NAWN. Agamemnon, in Greek myth, is the name of the leader of the forces that were ranged against Troy. Agapetos Agapetos means “beloved”. Agape...
"Their [Aether and Hemera's] brothers and sisters, whom the ancient genealogists name Amor (Love), Dolus (Guile), Metus (Fear), Labor (Toil), Invidentia (Envy) [i.e. Nemesis], Fatum (Fate), Senectus (Old Age), Mors (Death), Tenebrae (Darkness), Miseria (Misery), Querella (Compla...
It’s also the name of a real mountain in Greece. Orion Origin: Greek Meaning: Giant huntsman Description: There are many conflicting stories about Orion’s birth, life, and death. One popular version is that he’s the son of Poseidon with the daughter of King Minos of Crete, Euryale...