Dry eyes{Greek nameis“xerophthalmia”} caused by a deficiency in vitamin A (called “show” by ancient Egyptians) were treated [...] knowfood.cn knowfood.cn 由于维他命A的缺乏而导致的眼睛干涩(希腊的名字是“眼球干燥症”),(远古的埃及人称之为“显眼”)可通过烤牛肝或牛汁来治疗。
Name: Zeus Pronunciation: Coming soon Alternative names: Ceneus, Epiphanes Gender: Male Type: God Celebration or Feast Day: Unknown at present Role: In charge of: the Sky Area of expertise: Sky, Skies Good/Evil Rating: NEUTRAL, may not care Popularity index: 43762 Zeus Relationships Father...
God of Sky, weather, kings, fate Home Mount Olympus Symbol Lightning bolt Sacred Animals Eagle, bull Sacred Plants Oak tree, olive tree Retinue Hermes, Nike, Cratus, Themis, Moirae, Horae Other Names Cronides, Cronion Roman Name JupiterZEUS...
The name of the young Greek sun god, brother to the moon goddess Selene, who rode across the sky each day in a chariot pulled by four horses. Helios Continued Eros Origin: Greek Meaning: "desire" Description: The name of the Greek winged god of sexual love may seem a lot to live ...
Greek Name Ουρανος Transliteration Ouranos Latin Spelling Uranus, Caelum Translation Sky, Heaven Aeon-Uranus and the Zodiac-Wheel, Greco-Roman mosaic C3rd A.D., Glyptothek Munich OURANOS (Uranus) was the primordial god (protogenos) of the sky. The Greeks imagined the sky as...
Draco is also the name of a constellation in the northern sky. Drakon Drakon is a variation of Draco which means “dragon”. Pronounced as drah-kohn. Eirenaios Eirenaios is a variation of Irenaeus which means “peaceful”. Pronounced approximately as i-reh-neyows. Eladio Eladio means “...
If you're looking for a name that's light and breezy, this could be it. A name from mythology: Zephyrus/Zephyr was the Greek god of the west wind, and with its similarity in sound to the likes of Stefan or Seth, its zippy Z initial and cool Y, it is primed to rise up the US...
In mythology, a griffin was a mythical creature with an eagle’s head and wings and a lion’s body and tail. Griffins were the only creature worthy enough to pull Apollo’s carriage across the sky. Griffin isn’t particularly unusual, and is the family name in the animated TV series “...
The following are some of our top ancient Greek baby names you can choose for your little boy: What Is The Coolest Greek Name? Achilles Origin: Greek Meaning: Pain Variations/Synonyms: Achilleus Description: He’s a demigod and the central character of Homer’s Iliad, known for being ...
Skopas, Skylllis, Smilis, Stadievs, Stefanos, Stroggylion, Sydros, Synonon, Somis, Sosivios, Sosos, Solestratos, Telestis, Tilefanis, Feidimias Chiriositas, Chiromathos, Philotimos, Fylomachos. “ What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as ...