ANASTASIA: Greek name meaning "resur- rection; rebirth; she shall rise again." Variants include Ana, Anastaise, Anastase, Anastasie, Anastasija, Anastasiya, Anastassia, Anastay, Anastazja (Pol.), Anasztaizia (Hung.), Anaszta- sia, Anestassia, Anstace, Anstass, Anstice, Asia, Asya, ...
Greek Name Κρονος Transliteration & Latin Kronos, Cronus Roman Name Saturnus, Saturn Translation Time (khronos) Cronus and the Omphalos stone, Athenian red-figure pelike C5th B.C., Metropolitan Museum of Art KRONOS (Cronus) was the King of the Titanes and the god of time, ...
Calypso - (a.k.a. Kalypso) The sea nymph who held Odysseus prisoner for seven years.Castor - (a.k.a. Castore, Kastor) One of the twins who represent Gemini.Celaeno - The name of a wife of Poseidon.Cerus - The wild bull tamed by Persephone, made into the Taurus constellation....
Greek Name Φοινιξ Transliteration Phoinix Latin Spelling Phoenix Translation Phoenician?Phoenix, Aberdeen Bestiary manuscript (1200), Aberdeen University Library THE PHOINIX (Phoenix) was a fabulous, red-gold feathered bird whose body emitted rays of pure sunlight. The creature lived for ...
The Gemini temperament is friendly yet watchful, generous but changeable -mercurial as personified by Hermes with his winged sandals and the caduceus- emblem of messages and trade. The well-known delivery company of the same name clearly chose its name for this same reason. At the same time, ...
For example, legends tell of how Gaia (Earth) created Uranus (Heaven) by herself. However, other legends say that Uranus was born from the union of Gaia and Aether. You can find other interesting stories about Greek goddesses below to help you choose a Greek name for your baby girl: Achl...
Hunters must perform ceremonies for the creatures they kill so that the animal spirits can be reborn and hunted in the future. When a person dies, part of his or her soul will be incarnated in the next baby born into the community. Giving the newborn the dead person's name ensures that...
As a child, Athena had a friend she loved above all. Her name wasPallasand she was all but her equal in the art of war. However, one day, as they were practicing some martial exercises, Athena accidentally killed her friend. Grief-stricken and in an attempt to preserve her memory, she...
Seven passages in Aelian's On the Nature of Animals name a Eudemus as the source for wild stories about animals, but, although *Apuleius (Apologia 36) credits Eudemus along with Aristotle, Theophrastus, and Lyco with books on the generation of animals, these passages seem unlikely to ha...
Having seen the inscription on the Dolinskaya type above, you should be able to easily read the first three words of the inscription on this second type. It is theBlazhennoe Chrevo— the “Blessed Womb” Mother of God. The type name is followed by the abbreviation ПРАЗ for ПРА...