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D’Aulaires Book of Greek Myths 纽伯瑞与凯迪克双奖作品,以生动插画和细腻文字介绍希腊诸神与英雄。适合儿童启蒙,通过图文结合激发兴趣。 Usborne Illustrated Greek Myths 小气球出版社出品,插图鲜艳,语言简洁。专为6岁以上孩子设计,故事短小精悍,适合亲子共读。 二、青少年小说与改编作品 ...
Greek Mythology offers educational information on all Greek Gods, Greek Goddesses and Myths of Ancient Greece. Study and Learn Greek Mythology with our free online lessons and e-courses.
Welcome to Mythweb. This site is devoted to the heroes, gods and monsters of Greek mythology. Our features include theOlympian gods; the heroesBellerophon,Hercules,Jason,Odysseus, andPerseus; the Greek myths in our languagetoday; anencyclopediaof Greek mythology; and the great epics by Homer:The...
1.GreekMyths 希腊神话 KingMidasandtheGoldenTouch 国王迈达斯与点金术 Arachne 阿拉克尼 Perseu$and MedUSa 珀尔修斯和美杜莎 The Adventures of Hercules 赫拉克勒斯历险记 2.Tales from the 0ld Testament 旧约故事 Abraham and the Idols 亚伯拉罕和偶像 Noah and the Ark 挪亚与方舟 The...
Discover Greek mythology! Uncover epic stories of gods, heroes, and mythical creatures from ancient Greece. Follow us in a journey into Greek myths.
前言 奥林波斯山神在马其顿和希腊东部的色萨利之间矗立着一座高山。大雾弥漫的山顶直插云霄。山顶上,众神们的家园沐浴在阳光之中。宙斯作为山神和人类之父主宰着那里的一切。总的说来,宙斯并不是一个独裁统治者…
GreekMyth TheOriginofGreekMyth •GreekmythologyisthebodyofmythsandteachingsthatbelongtotheancientGreeks,concerningtheirgodsandheroes,thenatureoftheworld,andtheoriginsandsignificanceoftheirowncultandritualpractices.ItwasapartofthereligioninancientGreece.•Greekmythologyisexplicitlyembodiedinalargecollectionofnarratives,...