5. Perseus's Slaying of Medusa There are many great myths about the legendary hero Perseus, but the most famous would have to be the slaying of Medusa. King Polydectes of Seriphos wished to marry Danae, Perseus's mother. Perseus did not approve of this, and it caused a rift between ...
medusa (redirected fromMedusa (Greek mythology)) Thesaurus Medical Encyclopedia Me·dus·a (mĭ-do͞o′sə, -zə, -dyo͞o′-) n.Greek Mythology The Gorgon who was killed by Perseus. [Middle EnglishMeduse, from LatinMedūsa, from GreekMedousa, from feminine present participle ofmede...
Starry Time PodcastWe've said it once... and we'll say it again... Greek myth genetics are... confounding.This is the genealogy chart for Pegasus (the mythical winged horse) -- his parents are: God of the Sea, Poseidon & Medusa (a child of sea deities Phorcys & Ceto-at...
Medusa in ancient Greek mythology, one of the three Gorgons, winged monsters whose glance turned living beings into stone. Perseus, the hero of the Argos tales, overcame Medusa with the aid of the gods and presented her severed head to Athena, who fastened it to her shield, the aegis. ...
Poseidon's Role In Greek Mythology Poseidon was the god of the sea, earthquakes and horses. He was married to Amphitrite (granddaughter of the Titan Oceanus) they had two children together Trition and Rhode. Poseidon was the son of the titans Cronus and Rhea. There are two birth stories of...
POSEIDON'S SEDUCTION OF MEDUSAHesiod, Theogony 270 ff (trans. Evelyn-White) (Greek epic C8th or C7th B.C.) : "Poseidon, he of the dark hair, lay with one of these [Medousa (Medusa), one of the Gorgones], in a soft meadow and among spring flowers."...
Perseus had no horse to give, and offered to give Polydectes whatever else he wanted. Polydectes instructed Perseus to kill Medusa, who was a much-feared monster. Is Perseus the son of Poseidon? Perseus was the son of a woman named Danae and the King of the Gods in Greek mythology, ...
and for page and cup-bearer he had Ganymede, a boy so beautiful that Zeus had him stolen from Mount Ida to make him immortal in heaven. He was also known to punish those that lie or break oaths. His tree was the oak. Poseidon Poseidon (Neptune) was the brother of Zeus. He was ...
When Medusa had an affair with the sea godPoseidon, Athena punished her. She turned Medusa into a hideous hag, making her hair into writhing snakes and her skin was turned a greenish hue. Anyone who locked gaze with Medusa was turned into stone. ...
On and on Medusa went about her beauty to anyone and everyone who stopped long enough to hear her -- until one day when she made her first visit to the Parthenon with her friends. The Parthenon was the largest temple to the goddess Athena in all the land. It was decorated with amazing...