African Mythology. The Bushpeople of southern Africa say that Gauna, the ruler of the underworld, is the enemy of Cagn, the god who created the world. Gauna visits the earth to cause trouble in human society and to seize people to take to the realm of the dead. He also sends the so...
Ajax means “mourner” and is a Greek mythology name. Pronounced as AY-jaks. Ajax is the name of a strong and courageous Greek hero featured in Homer’s “Iliad,” known as Ajax the Great. Akakios Akakios means “innocent, not evil”. Akakios was the name of three early saints, two...
Greek mythology. Museum of Égina: Égina The Altar Inner Town; Map K1; 22970 # Remains of $ Columns 22248; open summer: 8:30am–3pm Tue–Sun; Aphaia’s altar were The inner columns winter: 8:30am–3pm discovered at one side (left) enclose the cella Tue–Sun; adm €3, of ...
Samson, like Ajax, has fallen from his previous state of leadership. Is he, too, using suicide to restore his lost image in the eyes of others? Closer examination indicates that Samson’s suicide is not egoistic like that of Ajax: he is not alienated from his society but is very much ...