Greek / Grecian- English Only forum Greek chorus- English Only forum Greek empires which it gradually replaced- English Only forum Greek gift: is it natural in English?- English Only forum Greek letter pronunciation- English Only forum Greek letters [university]- English Only forum ...
First things first, "Greek" is spelled exactly how it sounds. No crazy spelling variations or silent letters to trip you up. The "ee" sound in "Greek" is like the "ee" in "see" or "tree." Now, the pronunciation might be a bit more tricky than the spelling. The ...
Upper Case LetterLower Case LetterGreek Letter NameEnglish Equivalent Letter Name Pronounce Α α Alpha a Β β Beta b Γ γ Gamma g Δ δ Delta d Ε ε Epsilon e Ζ ζ Zeta z Η η Eta h Θ θ Theta th Ι ι Iota i Κ κ Kappa k Λ λ Lambda l Μ μ Mu ...
How do you read Greek letters in English? Below are the letters of the Greek alphabet and their English pronunciation: Αα - Alpha Ιι - Iota Ρρ - Rho Ββ - Beta Κκ - Kappa Σσ - Sigma Γγ - Gamma Λλ - Lambda Ττ - Tau Δδ - Delta Μμ - Mu Υυ - Upsilon...
The Greek alphabet - Greek symbols, English alphabet equivalents and Greek pronunciation.Glossary and Terminology Bank Business Thesaurus Current Module: The Greek Alphabet Greek Letters, Symbols, English Alphabet Equivalents and Pronunciation See also Business and Management Glossary Metric Prefixes...
• Eulexis-Biblissima: online search in the Greek dictionaries: Liddell-Scott-Jones (Greek-English), Bailly (Greek-French), Pape (Greek-German) • Philologic or Perseus: Greek-English lexicon by Henry Liddell & Robert Scott, completed by Henry Jones (LSJ) (1940) • search ...
Define Greek. Greek synonyms, Greek pronunciation, Greek translation, English dictionary definition of Greek. n. 1. a. The Indo-European language of the Greeks. b. Greek language and literature from the middle of the eighth century bc to the end of the t
一些希腊字母、符号、特殊字符的读法和英文发音(A number of Greek letters, symbols, special characters, pronunciations and English pronunciations) 一些希腊字母、符号、特殊字符的读法和英文发音(A number of Greek letters, symbols, special characters, pronunciations and English pronunciations) A number of ...
Define Greek alphabet. Greek alphabet synonyms, Greek alphabet pronunciation, Greek alphabet translation, English dictionary definition of Greek alphabet. Noun 1. Greek alphabet - the alphabet used by ancient Greeks alphabet - a character set that includ
一些希腊字母、符号、特殊字符的读法和英文发音(A number of Greek letters, symbols, special characters, pronunciations and English pronunciations).doc,一些希腊字母、符号、特殊字符的读法和英文发音(A number of Greek letters, symbols, special characters, pr