A list of Greek alphabet letters and symbols with English names. You can copy and paste Greek letters, alphabet pronunciations in just one click.
Icelandic letters 2 Icelandic mountains 3 Icelandic nature 5 Icelandic rye bread 1 icelandic sheep 4 icon 2 iconic 1 idea 3 Idno 1 Illinois 2 illness 23 imperial 1 import 2 imported 1 imprint 1 improve 1 in a row 2 Independence 3 Indian 2 Indian flat bread ...
King with coat of mail, on horse, holding elephant goad, with Greek royal headband; Kharoshthi letter to right. Greek legend BAΣIΛEΩΣ BASIΛEΩN MEΓAΛOY AZOY “The Great King of Kings Azes”. Athena standing right, holding shield and making benediction gesture. Monogram to right...