Using Greek letters as numbers How the Greek Alphabet began Practice Exams You are viewing quiz 18 in chapter 2 of the course: English Language Arts for Kids Course Practice 9 chapters | 231 quizzes Ch 1. Authors for Elementary School Ch 2. Grammar for Elementary School Possessive No...
The letter F’ was originally used for the number 6, but was later replaced by the stigma (ς or Στ). The more complex numbers were written as a line of letters, so that the sum would amount to that specific number. For example, the number 247 was written σμζ’ or σμζ,...
no one liked reading Greek numbers( D )4. The picture on the right shows the Greek alphabet. What number does "YPE"equal to? A.36. B.219. C.582. D.285.( B )5. According to the writer, the Greek alphabet A. is the same as the English alphabet B. has got some letters which...
ASCII Table ASCIICharactersASCII ArtArticlesFAQFactsHistoryGlossaryCompare Resources UTF-8 (binary): UTF-160x03B7 UTF-320x000003B7 HTML Entities forη The following HTML entities can be used to represent the greek small letter eta in HTML ...
The Ancient Greeks had two numeric systems: the Acrophonic or Attic system used the letters iota, delta, gamma, eta, nu and mu in various combinations. These letters were used as they represented the first letters of the number names, with the exception of iota:Γέντε (gente) for ...
#numbersign,英语国家是hash,美语是pound,音乐里作sharp, 如c# $dollar %percent ^caret &ersand *asterisk,star(美语),数学公式中作multiply (parenleft,openingparentheses parenright,closingparetheses) -minus;hyphen连字符,不读 _underscore +plus =equal [bracketleftopening bracket ] bracketright, closing ...
Greeknumerals(希腊数字)Greek numerals(希腊数字)Greek numerals [edit this paragraph] Introduction The Greek numeral is a digital system represented by Greek letters. They are also called "Millie numbers", "Alexander numbers", or "alphanumeric numbers."". In modern Greece, they are still used ...
Twitter Google Share on Facebook Thesaurus Wikipedia ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend: Switch tonew thesaurus Noun 1. Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc. Translations --- Select a language: Want to thank...
TheGreek symbol for + (plus)is called “syn” (σύν) and is pronounced as “seen” in Greek. So, the number +10 would be “syn deka”. If you want to add two numbers, for example 2+2, then you must say “deeo seen deeo” –δύο συνδύο. ...
For letters sīġma and šīġma, the forms σ- and σ̱- are used before hyphen respectively. As an exception, word الله Allāh is transliterated without hyphen: When it is first word, it is written like this: Αλλάχ̌ȣ Ἀκπαρ (Allāhu ʾAkbar) ...