Abraxas is a mystical word composed of Greek letters. It was believed to have magical powers and was often inscribed on amulets and charms. Around the second century AD, early Gnostics (ancient Greek religious thinkers) used the word to describe their god. Abraxas is described as a talisman w...
Greek numerals and other symbols The Ancient Greeks had two numeric systems: the Acrophonic or Attic system used the letters iota, delta, gamma, eta, nu and mu in various combinations. These letters were used as they represented the first letters of the number names, with the exception of ...
The following four pairs of vowel symbols are known to be equivalent in sound and length of phonemic time within respective dialects[2] throughout the Mediterranean world of Koiné Greek: Pair 1: [ ει ] was pronounced the same as [ ι ]. Pair 2: [ αι ] was pronounced the same ...
Right on the back of his quiver of lovebolts he had engraved with letters of gold a sentence in verse for each. On the back of his quiver of lovebolts he [the god Eros] had engraved with letters of gold a sentence in verse for each:-- The first takes Kronion (Cronion) to the ...
The dictionary, namedKORAIS in honor of the great Greek man of lettersAdamantios Korais (1748-1833), has been based on resourcesof the Speech and Language Processing Group of the WireCommunications Laboratory (WCL) and was developed intwo phases [1]: Initially, by a consortium of ...
Modern Greek retained the ancient alphabet and orthography of the more ancient language, but many changes have taken place in the phonetic value of letters and in the spelling. Although about 75 percent of the old words remain from the ancient language, words often have taken on new meanings....
Physicists are, as a general rule, highbrows. They think and talk in long, Latin words, and when they write anything down they usually include at least one partial differential and three Greek letters. — Stephen White In 'A Newsman Looks at Physicists', Physics Today (May 1948), 1, No...
Not all the information given in Greek letters and Greek symbols, such as the important iota subscript, are conveyed in Latin letters. I think it’s impossible to learn Greek using Latin letters. Saying Greek words aloud is a vital part of learning them. “Diakonos” gives no indication ...
🇬🇷 is the Emoji of a country/region‘s flag, and its meaning is flag: Greece. The Emoji 🇬🇷 is composed of two regional indicator letters, namely 🇬 and 🇷. The country/region's 2-letter code for Greece is GR, so the letters corresponding to the two region indicator lette...
A fragment of his Epitaphios contrasts the "freshness" and "vitality" of actions with the "paleness" and "trembling" feebleness of letters (tremonta kai ochra).31 Gorgias can still play upon aletheia as the truth communicated in the living interaction of the oral exchange, but with a ...