Greek letters字母拼写音标 Αα alpha ['AlfE] Ββ beta ['bi:tE,'beitE] Γγ gamma ['gAmE] Δδ delta ['deltE] Εε epsilon [ep'sailEn,'epsilEn] Ζζ zeta ['zi:tE] Ηη eta ['i:tE,'eitE] Θθ theta ['Wi:tE] Ιι iota [ai'outE] Κκ kappa ['kApE] Λλ lambda [...
Greek Letters 大写 小写 英文读音 国际音标 中文读音 意义 Α α alpha /'ælfə/ 阿尔法 角度,系数 Β β beta /bet/ 贝塔 磁通系数,角度,系数 Γ γ gamma /ga:m/ 伽马 电导系数,角度 Δ δ delta /'deltə/ 德(儿)塔 变动,密度,屈光度 Ε ε epsilon /ep'sailən/ 伊普西龙 对数之基数...
In spite of being one of the oldest writing systems, the modern version of Greek writing letters is still using worldwide. You can see letters likedelta, theta, psi, rho, eta, mu, gamma, omega, and many more inscientificandmathematicsequatio...
greek letters 下载积分: 100 内容提示: Αα alphaΒβ betaΓγ gammaΔδ deltaΕε epsilonΖζ zetaΗη eta 文档格式:PDF | 页数:4 | 浏览次数:21 | 上传日期:2019-04-17 15:54:05 | 文档星级: Αα alphaΒβ betaΓγ gammaΔδ deltaΕε epsilonΖζ zetaΗη eta ...
希腊字母表_Greek letters
alphabet- a character set that includes letters and is used to write a language alpha- the 1st letter of the Greek alphabet beta- the 2nd letter of the Greek alphabet gamma- the 3rd letter of the Greek alphabet delta- the 4th letter of the Greek alphabet ...
the alphabetic script derived from a Semitic alphabet by way of the Phoenicians, used from about the 8th century b.c. for the writing of Greek, and forming the basis of many other scripts, including Latin and Cyrillic. The letters of the Greek alphabet are:alpha,beta,gamma,delta,epsilon,ze...
GreekLetters Alpha Beta Gamma Delta Epsilon Zeta Eta Theta Iota Kappa Lambda Mu Nu Xi Omicron Pi Rho Sigma Tau Upsilon Phi Chi Psi Omega English a b g d e z h th i k l m n x o p r s t u ph ch ps o Uppercase Α
Greek alphabet letters are used as math and science symbols.Greek alphabet listUpper Case LetterLower Case LetterGreek Letter NameEnglish Equivalent Letter Name Pronounce Α α Alpha a Β β Beta b Γ γ Gamma g Δ δ Delta d Ε ε Epsilon e Ζ ζ Zeta z Η η Eta h Θ θ...
AlphaααAA\alpha A BetaββBB\beta B GammaγγΓΓ\gamma \Gamma DeltaδδΔΔ\delta \Delta EpsilonϵϵEE\epsilon E ZetaζζZZ\zeta Z EtaηηEE\eta E ThetaθθΘΘ\theta \Theta IotaιιII\iota I KappaκκKK\kappa K LambdaλλΛΛ\lambda \Lambda ...