Greek Letter Sigma (Σίγμα - Σ) The letter "s" came from the Semitic alphabet, where it was once shaped like latin "W". (The Hebrew "shin", familiar to most people from Jewish religious objects, is the same letter.) The letter was turned to make the classical Greek "sigma"...
希腊文半月形 Sigma 符号. 希腊字母和科普特字母. 符号「希腊文半月形 Sigma 符号」 包含在 「希腊字母和科普特字母」 块的 「多種字母形式」 子块中,并在1993年作为Unicode版本1.1的一部分获得批准。 同义词 greek small letter lunate sigma. 展示更多 技术信息 特性 编码 Unicode名称 Greek Lunate Sigma Symbol...
First recorded in1730–40 Discover More Example Sentences Its name comes from the 16th letter of the Greek alphabet, which means that pi also has its own symbol – 𝜋. Omega, the last letter of the Greek alphabet, was chosen for the project’s name to imply “the ...
Here's the alphabet — the capital and lower case Greek, the letter's name, and the very approximate English (and NATO and Old English and Scottish and French) equivalent. If you just see boxes or gibberish, usea better browserthat understandsUnicode. ...
Σ\sigma \SigmaU+03A3 U+03C3 Show sourceτ\tauτShow sourceTTTtausmall letter: average life-tyme of particles in physicsτ Τ\tau TU+03A4 U+03C4 Show sourceυ\upsilonυShow sourceΥ\UpsilonΥupsilonsmall letter: mass to light ratio in astronomyυ ...
symbol of the SI prefixmicro-for a millionth. Unicode has officially added a point for μ as the "micro sign," distinct from its usual codepoint as the lowercase Greek letter mu. Σ (capital sigma): Thank you for purchasingAddition Pro®!— Typically used as a symbol for the sum of ...
Kappa Alpha Theta: the first Greek letter sorority Sigma Chi: Members include celebrities like President Grover Cleveland and actor Brad Pitt) Alpha Phi Alpha: Counts Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall as members ...
While you may not use the Greek alphabet symbols in your own language, you may recognize some of the letters frommath, science, and other labeling. There are just a few common examples of where you might see Greek letters A common example is the Greek letter Pi, which is a mathematical ...
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- Learn 5 random words with Random feature ■ Other features: - Over 116398 words and meaning - Search for a word - Bookmark a word - Easy navigation ■ This app is also included in bundle: - Greek Study Apps ▪ If you want to suggest a new feature or report a bug, please send...