Greek and Latin roots in English From Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaThe following is an alphabetical list of Greek and Latin roots, stems, suffixes, and prefixes commonly used in English. Those used in medicine and medical terminology are not listed here but instead in Wikipedia's List of med...
greek and latin roots Greek and Latin Roots Root Meaning Examples a/n Not 不, without 无,在外Anhydrous 无水 a On 上Afire着火, ashore岸上 ab/s,a From 从, away远离, off 离去隔断Abduct 诱惑拐走, abnormal不正常, absent 缺席, away 远离 anti Against抵抗, opposite of相反Antisocial反社会的,...
(Redirected from Greek and Latin roots)The following is an alphabetical list of Greek and Latin roots, stems, and prefixes commonly used in English.Some of those used in medicine and medical terminology are not listed here but instead in Wikipedia's List of medical roots, suffixes andprefixes....
greeklatinroots词根拉丁wikipedia GreekandLatinrootsinEnglish From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The following is an alphabetical list of GreekandLatinroots,stems,suffixes,andprefixes commonly used in English. Those used in medicine and medical terminology are not listed here but instead in Wikipedia'...
维基百科英语词根List_of_Greek_and_Latin_roots_in_English_P–Z.pdf,List of Greek and Latin roots in English/P–Z The following is an alphabetical list of Greek and Latin roots, stems, and prefixes commonly used in the English language from P to Z. See als
Selected Greek and Latin roots in English Greek Roots(1) Root meaning Examples 1.Anthropo- (-anthropo) man anthropoid类人猿...; anthropology; philanthropist慈善家 2. arch (-arch) chief; rule; beginning patriarchy父長制; monarch; archaic古时的,古代的,古老的2.陈旧的,已不通用的; archaeology; ...
GreekandLatinRoots Whatisaroot?Arootisthepartofthewordthatisleftafterallsuffixes,prefixesetc.aretakenaway;therootcontainsthemainmeaningoftheword.Example:nationalityTherootnation,thesuffixes–aland–ity.Evenifwe’veneverseenthewordnationalitybefore,weknow,basedontheroot,thatithassomethingtodowiththeideaofnation...
Greek and Latin Root wordsGreek and Latin Root Words for Biology The key to learning biological terms is in learning the origins of those words which is usually Greek or Latin. The following list was obtained from: A a...
Greek and Latin roots in English A In English Origin Language Etymology (Root Origin) English Examples Root abab-, a-, absabs- away Latin ab "away" acutus past abnormal, abrasion, abstract, aversion,absent ac- acuac-, acu- sharp or pointed sharp, pungent, bitter, eager, fierce Latin ...
GREEK & LATIN ROOTS IN MODERN ENGLISH (See list of English suffixes at bottom) (Additions & corrections to A a(n)- (L) without (acephala) a-, ab-, abs-(L.) away from, aversion (abductor, abstract). Also (ef-) abduc- lead from acanth- prickle acer- ...