Poseidonis the violent and ill-tempered god of the sea. One of the TwelveOlympians, he was also feared as the provoker of earthquakes and worshipped as the creator of the horse. A hot-blooded deity,Poseidonhad many disputes with both gods and men, most famously withAthenaandOdysseus. ...
This god in Latin was called Neptunus that comes from the Etruscan Netums or Neptunus. (Roman Mythology) Both gods are the gods of the sea. Poseidon had many children and was protector of many Greek cities, but in Athens gained the goddess Athena and was in second place in importance. ...
thePeople wanted to enjoy more power which made them corrupt.sinkingoof theZeus gathered the other gods to decide to 10 them by sinking the island, which wasislandswallowed up by the sea in one and a half days.1.introduction2was3.under4.whole5.rich6.shared7.rule8.remind9.Reasons10....
Poseidon, Greek god of the sea, was one of the most powerful of all of the gods in Greek mythology. He was one of the 12 Olympian gods and goddesses who held court on Mount Olympus - the mountain of the gods. Poseidon is the son of Cronos and Rhea, and brother to Zeus, Hades, ...
Poseidon and his brothers drew lots for the division of the cosmos after the fall of the Titanes, and won the sea as his domain.When the Gigantes (Giants) besieged the gods of Olympos, Poseidon crushed Polybotes beneath the island of Kos (Cos). <<More>>...
The Greek god Poseidon is one of the oldest of the 12 Olympian gods. As god of the sea, Poseidon was feared & revered by the seafaring people of Greece. Learn more at ❰StoryboardThat❱ ✩
P.S. Under the Romans she changed her name to Salacia. Amphitrite Facts and Figures Name: Amphitrite Pronunciation: Coming soon Alternative names: Gender: Female Type: Goddess Celebration or Feast Day: Unknown at present Role: In charge of: the Ocean Area of expertise: Sea, Seas, Ocean,...
Thalassa was the primordial ancient Greek goddess of the sea. Mingled with Pontus, her male counterpart, she produced the fish and other sea creatures. Thalassa was the literal body of the sea and in the fables of Aesop, manifests as a woman formed of se
Before the gods that ruled from the mount of Olympus, there were Titans who were one of the original deities. After the Titans were defeated in a great battle by the Olympian gods, three brothers Zeus, Poseidon and Hades split the Earth into three parts and each one ruled his own region...
Thegodofthesea,rivers,floods,droughts,earthquakes,andthecreatorofhorses;knownasthe"EarthShaker".Inclassicalartwork,hewasdepictedasamaturemanofsturdybuildwithadarkbeard,andholdingatrident.Thehorseandthedolphinaresacredtohim.Zeus Thekingofthegods,therulerofMountOlympusandthegodofthesky,weather,thunder,law,...