Mythology Gods Greek Gods Athena AthenaAthena: The Greek Goddess of Beautiful Inspiration and Warfare Athena, goddess of inspiration, warfare, and wisdom, was one of the 12 main deities on Mount Olympus. She was also one of the most important and respected deities in the Ancient Greek tradition...
There were 12 main gods, and the Greeks believed that they all lived on top of Mount Olympus – this is also the highest mountain in Greece. These 12 gods were called the Olympians. The only Olympian who didn’t live on Mount Olympus was Hades, who was the god of the Underworld. Even...
A comprehensive guide to the cult of the ancient Greek gods and goddesses including Zeus, Poseidon, Hera, Demeter, Hestia, Athena, Hephaestus, Aphrodite, Ares, Apollo, Artemis, Dionysus, Hermes, and other minor deities.
Kore means “maiden” in Greek. Kore is another name for Persephone, a daughter of Zeus, who was kidnapped by Hades. The legend says that she was gorgeous and attracted the attention of many gods including Hades, who took her to his world and married her, making her the goddess of the...
Athena(雅典娜)TwelvemainGods Zeus(宙斯)Thegodofthesky Hera(赫拉)Thegoddessofmarriageandchildren Poseidon(波塞冬)Thegodoftheseaprotector Hades(哈迪斯)Thegodofthedeadandwealth Hestia(赫斯提亚)ThegoddessoftheHearth Ares(阿瑞斯)Thegodofwar Hermes(赫尔墨斯)Thegodofthievesandcommerce Hephaestus(赫菲斯托斯)The...
1、Greek Stories-By Ge LijiaoTwo kinds of Greek StoriesGreek stories includes the story of gods story of gods and hero legends.hero legends.The former involves the origin of the universe , humanity, God and so on; the latter originated in the worship of ancestors, which is the remembering...
Dionysos was a son of Zeus, King of the Gods, and Semele, a mortal princess of Thebes. The god was known as the "twice-born" for his mother was slain by the lightning-bolts of Zeus during the course of her pregancy, but rescued by his father who carried him to term sown up ...
- 4 TheOlympians 12maingodsandgoddnesses Others - 5 Zeus Thekingofthegods.Hissymbolisalightningbolt.HisRomannameisJupiter.- 6 Hera Zeus’ssisterandwifeGoddessofmarriageandfamilySymbolisthepeacockJealousprotectorofmarriagePunishedthewomenZeusfellinlovewith - 7 ...
. . Had Dionysos son of Semele and Pan son of Penelope appeared in Hellas and lived there to old age, like Herakles the son of Amphitryon, it might have been said that they too (like Herakles) were but men, named after the older Pan and Dionysos, the gods of antiquity; but as it...