MC KENNA, THOMAS J.Saint Anselm Journal
3.Chaos- (Greek mythology) the most ancient of gods; the personification of the infinity of space preceding creation of the universe Greek mythology- the mythology of the ancient Greeks 4.chaos- (physics) a dynamical system that is extremely sensitive to its initial conditions ...
In Greek mythology Leto was one of the female Titans, a bride of Zeus, and the mother of the twin gods Apollo and Artemis. She was the goddess of motherhood and, with her children, a protectress of the young. When Leto was pregant with the twins she was
The Erinyes (Furies) were the three ancient Greek goddesses of vengeance and retribution who punished men for crimes against the natural order. They were particularly concerned with homicide, unfilial conduct, offenses against the gods, and perjury. They
The Titans, often called the Elder Gods, were for untold ages supreme in the universe. They were of enormous size and of incredible strength. There were many of them, but only a few appear in the stories of mythology. The most important was CRONUS, in Latin SATURN. He ruled over the ...
Medusa— Gorgon in Greek mythology whose glance could turn people to stone Mercury— Roman god of commerce, war, and travelers; messenger of the gods Mentor— Trusted advisor, named after the character in Homer's Odyssey who was entrusted with the education of Odysseus' son ...
Venus, goddess of loveVulcan, god of fireMercury, messenger of the gods In Roman literature (Latin) the gods and goddesses were depicted as married couples or lovers. The Roman gods and goddesses were paired as follows: Jupiter and Juno (married) ...
Cyane is a mythological Sicilian nymph who lived in a pool. Cybele Cybele means “the mother of all gods” and pronounced as SIB-el-ee. Cybele is the name of the Greek goddess of fertility, health, and nature. Cynara Cynara means “thirstily plant” and pronounced as Kayeh-NAA-Raa- ...
Astr. 30.) But according to the popular belief of the Greeks and their poetical descriptions, she was the goddess of love, who excited this passion in the hearts of gods and men, and by this power ruled over all the living creation. (Hom. Hymn. in Ven. ; Lucret. 15, &c.)...
Greek Name Μελπομενη Transliteration Melpomenê Latin Spelling Melpomene Translation Celebrate with Song Muse Melpomene, Greco-Roman marble statue C2nd A.D., State Hermitage Museum MELPOMENE was one of the nine Mousai (Muses), the goddesses of music, song and dance. In the ...