Greek Gods Religion 5m Bible Books - New Testament Religion 8m Greek Gods Logic Puzzle Religion 20m 4-to-1 Blitz: Judaism Religion 30s Trivia Jigsaw: Mythology Religion 5m Books of the Bible Religion 8m Either/Or in 30: Bible Books Religion 30s Multi-Category Minefield Blitz: Greek Myth Relig...
Fenyx’s mission is to reassemble the gods for a second crack at Typhon, a task that takes them across the monster and puzzle-laden landscape of the Golden Isle. Though the heart of Immortals Fenyx Rising is a straightforward and somewhat predictable hero story, its fantastically well ...
That's especially the case given how much world there is to explore. The aforementioned constellation puzzle seemed to be entirely optional, as did a couple of the vaults I encountered. Again, these aren't particularly surprising features for this type of game, but I'm here to report they ...