It is, therefore, no wonder that many parents choose Greek names for their babies. For your convenience, this post is sorted in alphabetical order. You will be able to find the most comprehensive list of Greek names, their meanings, and pronunciations, in the following categories: Contents Gr...
Ye gods and goddesses all, who have protection of the fields, your altars offered kindly words : ‘Whoever you are who come as a guest, you will hunt the hare along my path or any bird you seek: and whether you pursue your prize with rod or hound, summon me, Pan, from the crag ...
And so hail to you, Artemis, in my song and to all goddesses as well. Of you first I sing and with you I begin; now that I have begun with you, I will turn to another song."Homeric Hymn 27 to Artemis : "I sing of Artemis with shafts are of gold (khryselakatos), strong-voic...
(His half-sister Athena represented the more "noble" aspects of combat and civil conduct during war.) Though his fellow deities weren’t particularly fond of him, the Spartans had no problems, er, donating some prisoners of war to his worship. And sacrificing dogs…yeah, that’s right, ...
An entire GROUP of goddesses (there names seem irrelevant) who dealt with genesis. That is to say, babies. They chilled with Aphrodite. Genetyllis was the surname meaning Protectress of Birth that was assigned to both Aphrodite and Artemis. Women liked to sacrifice dogs to Artemis when they...
Dog Names Inspired by Greek Goddesses Athena – goddess of wisdom Aphrodite – goddess of love Artemis – goddess of the hunt, young maidens, and later on the goddess of the moon Hera – goddess of marriage and families, wife of Zeus ...
But what if you want to know more about the Greek goddesses and gods than just their names and a vague idea of their function?In this article we’ll provide a comprehensive guide to the Greek pantheon, starting with an introduction to the Greek gods and their mythic origins.Then, we’ll...
Fama was an alternative name for the Roman goddess Pheme. In this form she was the mighty goddess of the word of mouth and human gossip. She Who initiates and furthers communication. Fate In Greek and Roman mythology, the Fates was goddesses who decreed what would happen to both men and...
Hestia, the goddess of the hearth and home, is perhaps the least complex but most essential of the goddesses. Her personality is serene and stable, reflecting the central role of the hearth in maintaining household harmony. Hestia’s symbols are the hearth and the flame, both representing domes...
for night and day, light and dark, heat and cold, male and female, war and peace, good and bad, life and death. The creation myths of ancient cultures reflect this eternal battle of seeming opposites. Many surviving objects feature twin gods and goddesses; a major theme across all ...