Asteria was the ancient Greek Titan goddess of falling stars and perhaps of nighttime divinations such as oneiromancy (by dreams) and astrology (by stars). She was the mother of Hekate (Hecate), goddess of witchcraft, by the Titan Perses. After the fall
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Selene was the ancient Greek Titan goddess of the moon. She was depicted as a woman riding sidesaddle on a horse or driving a chariot drawn by a pair of winged steeds. Her lunar sphere or crescent was either a crown set upon her head or the fold of a rai
According to the most modern idea, a real myth has nothing to do with religion. It is an explanation of something in nature; how, for instance, any and everything in the universe came into existence: men, animals, this or that tree or flower, the sun, the moon, the stars, storms, ...
Selene was the Goddess of the Moon. She was the daughter of the two Titans Hyperion and Theia (see below). She married mortal Endymion (a shepherd who she caused to sleep forever so that he wouldn't get old and gross) and had 50 daughters (I don't know what happened to them). If...
Soon, he became known as the god of the intellect and all types of knowledge, including prophecy. Apollo’s “enlightened nature” inevitably led to his epithets as the god of light. This title was not the light of particular spheres, like the Sun, moon, and stars, but Heavenly light ...
Artemis, one of the key figures of the female Greek pantheon, is the ancient virgin goddess of the hunt, wilderness, animals, childbirth, and a protector of young girls, later associated with the moon. Artemis is the equivalent to the Roman Diana, but a fresher and more distinctive, if of...
Aphrodite: Archetype of Love and Beauty Birth of Dionysus, the Greek God of Wine and Ecstacy Hermes: Archetypal Greek God, Soul Guide, and Trickster Hera: Goddess and Archetype of Marriage and Commitments
In addition to being connected to music, Helios often appeared playing the lyre. Pythagoras described the movement of the sun, moon , and stars as “the music of the spheres” in reference to the seemingly choreographed “dance” performed over the months, years, and centuries by the heavenly...
Goddess of:Marriage and childbirth, women, and the sky and stars; queen of the gods Origin:Child of Titans Kronos and Rhea Usually Depicted As:A beautiful, majestic matron wearing a crown Symbols and Icons:The peacock, the cuckoo, the pomegranate, the cow ...