Demeter was the goddess of the earth (Eurip. Bacch. 276), and more especially of the earth as producing fruit, and consequently of agriculture, whence human food or bread is called by Homer Il. xiii. 322) the gift of Demeter. The notion of her being the author of the earth's ...
II. GODDESS OF FRUIT & VEGETABLESDemeter was the goddess of all the earth's fruits, not only grain (though this was by far the most important food-crop). As the goddess of horticulture, the growing of figs, apples, pears and other fruits fell within her dominion (with the exception of...
Tantalize — Torment or tease someone with the promise of something that is unobtainable, named after Tantalus who was punished by the gods and was unable to reach the fruit above his head or drink the water at his feet. Terpsichorean — Relating to dance, named after the Greek muse of da...
And all because of a simple piece of fruit! Meanwhile Eris laughed like a drain. “That Trojan Horse thing — what a cackle!” she shrieked as she shared the joke with her sisters. Who, we have reason to believe, just happened to be Nemesis and the Fates. Nowadays Eris is held ...
四季的来历 Q元有所获 阅读技能提升课标话题神话故事体裁记叙文难度★★☆☆☆词数218Demeter was a Greek goddess. She made the land fertile(肥沃的) with fruit and grain, so she was loved by the farmers. The most famous story about Demeter is about her daughter Persephone and Hades, god of ...
Once again pitting the grey-eyed goddess against her unclePoseidon, the contest for the patronage of Athens was decided for the god who bestowed the best gift to the city. Poseidon brought forth a magnificent (salt water) spring, but wise Athena gifted an olive tree—a source of fruit, ...
In Greek mythology, Alcmene was the mother of Heracles who, after she died, was worshipped as a Goddess in Thebes and Athens. The story goes that after she died, Zeus got Heracles to steal her body and put a stone in her coffin in her place. Then Zeus brought her to the Isles of...
Athena is the Greek virgin goddess of reason, intelligent activity, arts and literature. She was the daughter of Zeus; her birth is unique in that sh...
Aphrodite (Venus) – Greek Goddess of Love, Beauty, Pleasure, and Procreation. Aphrodite is an Olympian Goddess and the lawful wife of Greek God Hephaestus. Apollo – Greek God of Light, Music and Poetry. Apollo is the fruit of the love affair between Zeus and Leto and brother of Artemis...
for the nymphs of fruit trees were called Mêlides, Mêliades, Epimêlides, or Hamamêlides. They seem to be of Arcadian origin, and never appear together with any of the great gods. (Paus. viii. 4. § 2; Apollon. Rhod. ii. 477, &c.; Anton. Lib. 31, 32; Hom. Hymn. in Ven....