His genitals dropped to the sea, becoming foam that turned into the goddess Aphrodite. With Uranus’ defeat, the Titans ruled and became the new Greek gods. But their rule did not last forever because they were also overthrown by their children, who would later become known as the gods of...
Zeus was the god of thunder and lightning. His weapon and symbol was a thunderbolt. He was also the supreme god. Zeus presided over all matters on earth and in heaven. Hera was the queen of the gods and the goddess of marriage. Poseidon was the second most powerful god next to Zeus....
Pan is renowned for his libido and often appears with a phallus. Diogenes of Sinope narrated a story about Pan acquiring masturbation from his father, Hermes, and spreading the behavior to shepherds. According to Greek mythology, Pan once deceived themoon goddess Selenewith a sheep’s fleece and...
Astr. 30.) But according to the popular belief of the Greeks and their poetical descriptions, she was the goddess of love, who excited this passion in the hearts of gods and men, and by this power ruled over all the living creation. (Hom. Hymn. in Ven. ; Lucret. 15, &c.)...
Feb 13, 2025 — by Alilia Athena in Moral and Cautionary Tales Nemesis and Divine Retribution Nemesis, the Greek goddess of vengeance, is essentially the enforcer of cosmic order. She's got wings for swiftness, like she could zoom into your life if you dared too much hubris. Her style ...
"Midas, Mygdonian king, son of the Mother goddess [Kybele (Cybele)] from Timolus (Matris deae a Timolo) was taken as judge at the time when Apollo contested with Marsyas, or Pan, on the pipes. When Timolus gave the victory to Apollo, Midas said it should rather have been given ...
Hera:Zeus's wife and sister, the goddess of marriage and birth. Hera and Demeter share a bond as sisters, navigating the complexities of their family dynamics and their roles as mothers within the pantheon. Poseidon:The god of the sea, earthquakes, and horses. Poseidon is another of Demeter...
According to Greek mythology, Gaia, also known as Mother Earth, gave birth alone to Uranus, the starry sky. Gaia then took Uranus as her husband, and their union brought forth monstrous children. The first set of immortal children they produced were three giants, known as the Hecantonchires...
Myths about the gods described their births, victories over monsters or rivals, love affairs, special powers, or connections with a cultic site orritual. As these powers tended to be wide, the myths of many gods were correspondingly complex. Thus, the HomericHymns toDemeter, a goddess of agri...
He married the marine goddessAmphitrite, which solidified his dominion over the sea. Amphitrite eventually gave birth to Triton, the fish-tailed god, and two daughters, Benthesikyme and Rhodos. Worship in Society Lesson Summary Register to view this lesson ...