Apollo is often called the god of the sun, and the myth of Phaethon is regularly attributed to him. This title is a mistaken association;Helios was the Greek god of the sunand the actual father figure in the Phaethon
Percy Jackson's Greek Gods is a collection of stories from Greek mythology told from the demigod Percy Jackson's point of view. The book talks about the origins of the Olympian gods (and of their ancestors, the Titans and the Protogenoi) and other storie
PERSEPHONE & THE CREATION OF MANKINDIn one obscure myth Persephone was accredited with creation of mankind from clay (in place of the usual Prometheus). A divine dispute ensued over which god should possess him, with the result that he was awarded to Zeus and Gaia in life, and to ...
I like to laugh at her eternal beauty and loveliness because she was a great grandmother of another God, Dionysus (who she also had a child by). She was married to Hephaestus, the Smith God, but she lusted after Ares, the much disliked God of War. She was also the patron Goddess of...
Hebe was the Greek goddess of youth or the prime of life. Click for Hebe facts and worksheets in PDF format!
The magical plant or herb of immortality sought by Gilgamesh, the hero of ancient Mesopotamian mythology, provides one example of how myths use plants as symbols of life and of the healing power of nature. However, because some plants yield poisons and some die in winter, plants can also ...
EROS (1) The ancient god of love and the agent of natural procreation. He was the eldest of the Erotes born at the creation of the universe.EROS (2) The god of love. He was the most mischievous of the Erotes, who randomly shot out love-inducing darts from his golden bow....
of the Earth, Gaia, there are many great art pieces in galleries and museums across the country depicting the goddess. Sometimes depicted as half-buried in the earth, Gaia is portrayed as a beautiful voluptuous woman surrounded by fruits and the rich earth that nurtures the plant life. ...
It was subtle of God to learn Greek when he wished to become an author — and not to learn it better. [Nietzsche, "Beyond Good and Evil," 1886] 当上帝希望成为一位作者时,他学习希腊语是很巧妙的,但他没有学得更好。[尼采,《超越善恶》,1886] ...
The Latin name of the plant is Urginea. Apparently, it is the plant of Pan (the pagan god of nature in ancient Greece). It was believed to offer fertility, good luck, and good fortune. The custom of hanging these roots outside homes in the new year is largely followed on the island...