So, if you find astrology intriguing, you’ll probably want to know which Greek god or goddess is associated with your astrological sign. Each sign is linked to a story from Greek mythology and isalsoassociated with a different god who resembles the signs of their personality and behavior. Wh...
All the zodiac signs representarchetypes; meaning something that is considered to be a perfect or typical example of a particular kind of person or thing. The natal zodiac sun sign in western astrology paints a poetic portrait of a person born at a particular time of year, in a particular s...
Astraeus was the ancient Greek Titan god of stars and planets and of the art of astrology. By Eos (the Dawn) he was the father of the Stars and the four seasonal Winds. Astraeus also had a daughter named Astraea who was the goddess of the constellation V
Urania - One of the Muses - represented Astronomy and Astrology.Uranus - (a.k.a. Ouranos, Caelus) God of the sky and the heavens. Father of the Titans.Zelus - The god of zeal, rivalry, and jealousy.Zephyrus - (a.k.a. Zephyros, Favonius, Zephyr) The West Wind. One of the ...
Asteria was the ancient Greek Titan goddess of falling stars and perhaps of nighttime divinations such as oneiromancy (by dreams) and astrology (by stars). She was the mother of Hekate (Hecate), goddess of witchcraft, by the Titan Perses. After the fall
Atlas was a Titan god of endurance. He was also identified as a god of astronomy because he was the first who instructed mankind in astronomical science which was basically used for navigation and measuring the seasons. He surpassed all others by mastering astrology and was the first to ...
extends significantly beyond the ancient myths that first carried her name across civilizations. Today, her legacy continues to cast a long trail across contemporary culture, projecting her mythic resonance into a myriad of modern avenues ranging from literature and popular media to astrology and beyond...
They are counted among the “Eleven Luminaries” (Shiyi yao, 十一曜) of East Asian astrology (fig. 1). These include the “Nine Planets” (Sk: Navagraha; Ch: Jiuyao, 九曜, “Nine Luminaries”) of Hindu astrology, namely the Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, and ...
Themis- Ancient goddess of divine order, law, and custom. Thetis- Leader of the Nereids, a shapeshifter, and a prophet. Tyche- (a.k.a. Fortuna, Nortia) Goddess of fortune and prosperity. Urania- One of the Muses - represented Astronomy and Astrology. ...
Poseidonius also measures the distance between the Earth and the Sun to an accuracy of 43%. He also popularises astrology. Ptolemy 100 Ptolemywrites a book (known by its Arabic name, The Almagest - The Greatest) which summarises the astronomical knowledge of the ancients, especially that of...