Hermes –Messenger of the gods; god of travel, commerce, communication, borders, eloquence, diplomacy, thieves, and games. Hestia –Goddess of the hearth, fire, and the right ordering of domesticity and the family; she was one of the original twelve Olympians.MINOR...
She is the daughter of Zeus, the supreme god, and Hera, his wife. Until she married Heracles, Hebe was the cupbearer for the gods and goddesses of Mount Olympus, dispensing their nectar and ambrosia; her replacement was the celestial hero Ganymede. See the fact file below for more ...
But Metis, in the darkness of Zeus' interior, continued to carry her child. After some time, the King of Gods came down with a royal headache. Calling upon the blacksmith godHephaestus(some myths say it wasPrometheus), Zeus asked that his head be split open, whereupon sprang gray-eyed At...
Highly Advanced Amorkinesis- As the goddess of love, Aphrodite has absolute control over love. She can manipulate/control love at will. Individual examples of the goddess' ability with love, include her making, Helios, the powerful Titan God of the Sun, fall madly in love with a mortal Prin...
Each Greek god and goddess was known to be the ruler of a certain aspect of life- such as love or knowledge. Some were even the personification of concepts, such as fate or revenge. Facts About Greek Mythology:The gods and goddesses in Greek mythology were copied by the Romans. ...
It is NOT trying to prove that elements from the Greek demi-god’s story directly influenced that of our Chinese immortal. However, at the end, I do briefly discuss possible antecedents that may have influenced both tales. I noticed many of the parallels myself, but I am also indebted to...
Psyche was the ancient Greek goddess of the soul and the wife of Eros (Roman Cupid) god of love. She was once a mortal princess whose extraordinary beauty earned the ire of Aphrodite (Roman Venus) when men began turning their worship away from the goddes
Some say there was a but a single goat-like Gorgon (Gorgo), a daughter of the Sun-God, who was slain by Zeus at the start of the Titan-War to form his stormy aigis shield.The Gorgones were probably also connected with Demeter Erinys (the Fury) and the three Erinyes. These goddesses...
Or contact us if you have specific questions about what makes a certain costume distinctive for a certain goddess or god.Also, if you have ever made such a costume and want to show us your creativity, you are more than welcome!It's quite easy, just use the form below. Enter Your ...
See the fact file below for more information about the Greek god, Hermes, or you can download our 29-page Hermes worksheet pack to utilize within the classroom or home environment. Key Facts & Information NAME AND ORIGIN The Mycenaean Greek script is the oldest form of the name Hermes. The...