"And Eos (Dawn) bare to Astraios (Astraeus, the Starry) the strong-hearted Anemoi (Winds), brightening Zephyros (Zephyrus, West Wind), and Boreas (North Wind), headlong in his course, and Notos (Notus, South Wind),--a goddess mating in love with a god. And after these Erigenia ...
prote- (G) Proteus, a god who could change his form at will - protean, Proteo- combining form of names denoting changeable shape (Proteomyxa, Proteosoma) prunus- plum psamma- sand pseud- (G) false (pseudopod, pseudostratified); combining form of names signifying not true form (Pseudo...
In this brief section I had adapted the modern Demotic Greek wordαπόδοση (performance, yield) and treated it as if it were Ancient Greek. (Note, for example, the change in the accented syllable to reflect the pattern prevalent in the Hellenistic Period). I guess I could have u...
It is NOT trying to prove that elements from the Greek demi-god’s story directly influenced that of our Chinese immortal. However, at the end, I do briefly discuss possible antecedents that may have influenced both tales. I noticed many of the parallels myself, but I am also indebted to...
In these earlier fragments, the Tetragrammaton had not been replaced by the Greek words for “God” and “Lord.” Diad sarayan akadkaunan kabiangan, say Tetragrammaton so agni asalatan na Griego iran salita parad “Dios” tan “Katawan.” jw2019 This hope is solidly based on both...
My goal in this study is to persuade the reader that the word my c ms is a compound noun with the elements / may / + / yu c mas /. I will endorse the analysis argued by Good that the Punic compound can be explained by reference to the Greek word Μαιο
After the collapse of the Levant under the Sea Peoples Ramesses III is said to have built a temple to the god Amen in Ka-n-'-na. This geographic name probably meant all of western Syria and Canaan, with Raphia, "the (first) city of the Ka-n-'-na, on the southwest boundary toward...
This coin: Her bust right, crowned by the Hand of God /empress seated facing, crowned by the Hand of God. [One page]Byzantine: Date: 491-1453Introduction to Byzantine Coins (491-1453) This coin: A massive 42 mm reformed "follis" (of 40 nummi) struck by Justinian (527-565) year 13...
Broadcaster Generation Word Follow Sermon Activity 326 ( 178 | 148 ) Framework Bible school class #93 - Galyn Wiemers reviews the tense, voice and mood of Greek verbs. He then introduces some valuable Greek study tools that can be used by believers to gain insight into God's Word. Ser...
Thus "metaphysics" would be about spiritual things, God, the soul, ghosts, etc. Unfortunately, the Greek preposition meta does not mean "beyond"; it means "after." This might be thought to amount to the same thing, but it doesn't, because of the actual origin of the word. Metaphysics...