It is, therefore, no wonder that many parents choose Greek names for their babies. For your convenience, this post is sorted in alphabetical order. You will be able to find the most comprehensive list of Greek names, their meanings, and pronunciations, in the following categories: Contents Gr...
The Greek Hound is a black and tan hound, built for tracking and chasing hare that is indigenous to Greece. It has existed for thousands of years and its progenitors are the ancient laconikoi (later: lagonikoi, where lagos=hare) kynes (dogs) native in southern Greece (Peloponessus). The...
Artemis, the Greek goddess of hunting, was believed to have visited Pan, the god of nature, during her girlhood. Pan then gave herseven female and six male hunting dogs. Although, there is no record of their names. However, because of the incident between her andActaeon, when Artemis turn...
during the Palaeolithic, 6, 500 BCE, arising from our understanding of the duality fundamental to the nature of reality. There are male and female twins in world myth, but there are many twin brothers in particular standing for night and day, light and dark, heat and cold, male...
1. Artemis as the sister of Apollo, is a kind of female Apollo, that is, she as a female divinity represented the same idea that Apollo did as a male divinity. This relation between the two is in many other cases described as the relation of husband and wife, and there seems to ...
The white-black dog sitting in the front is the mother Kali at 2 ½ years old; other dogs from right to left are a female named Chiona (Snowwhite) and two males named Megas (Big) and Spithas (Spark).. At a dog show at the Olympic Stadium in Athens, 2000. At a dog show at...
Another set of cult titles derived from the towns and places where her shrines were located, as well as the names of cult-founders, descriptions of their locale, and stories behind a cult. Not all of these titles were confined to their "home-town", for example, the Ephesian Artemis (of...
Or it may be related to the Late Middle Frenchmonne(monkey), from Italianmonna(monkey), from Old Spanishmona(female monkey, frommamona, frommaimón(a type of monkey with a prehensile tail), from Arabicمَيْمُون(maymūn – baboon, mandrill).Monoin Spanish comes from the...
Unlike most of the other female gods, who tended to have a fairly limited number of lovers, Aphrodite was known for her many mortal and immortal lovers. She was known for her jealous nature; while she was very generous to her worshipers, she was spiteful to those who denied her. ...
Graces is an alternative name for the Charites. Graeae In Greek mythology, the Graeae were three daughters of Phorcys and Ceto: Deino, Pephredo, and Enyo; their names meaning respectively "alarm", "dread", and "horror". They were sisters and at the same time guardians of the Gorgons...