She was, in fact, the great goddess of the Eastern world, and we find her worshipped there in a variety of forms and under a variety of names. As regards the Romans, they had from the earliest times worshipped Jupiter and his mother Ops, the wife of Saturn. When, therefore, we ...
"The names of the Horae, daughters of Jove [Zeus], son of Saturn [Kronos (Cronus)], and Themis, daughter Titanidis (Titaness), are these : Auxo (Growth), Eunomia (Order), Pherusa (Substance), Carpo (Fruit), Dice (Justice), Euporia (Abundance), Irene (Peace), Orthosie (Prosperity)...
Most of the Greek deities were adopted by the Romans, although in many cases there was a change of name. In the list below, information is given under the Greek name; the name in parentheses is the Roman equivalent. However, all Latin names are listed with cross-references to the Greek ...
Most of the Greek deities were adopted by the Romans, although in many cases there was a change of name. In the list below, information is given under the Greek name; the name in parentheses is the Roman equivalent. However, all Latin names are listed with cross-references to the Greek ...
The personal planets of the third decan Gemini are Saturn and Uranus, painting a portrait full of contradictions. Sometimes this person is ultra-careful, dutiful, responsible, serious, at other times carefree or even careless. Uranus combined with the planet Mercury suggests an unusually active or...
Pluto(mythology),inRomanmythology,godofthedead,thehusbandofProserpine.TheLatincounterpartoftheGreekgodHades.Plutoassistedhistwobrothers,JupiterandNeptune,inoverthrowingtheirfather,Saturn(ancientgodofagriculture.) Individingtheworldamongthem,Jupiter(n.[罗神]朱庇特;木星)chosetheearthandtheheavens...
It also says it on the end of the page. Delia September 27, 2014 at 8:34 pm Reply great work! But one question…isn’t there anything ’bout Pan(Saturn)? Marney July 21, 2014 at 1:32 am Reply What about Pan and Saytrs? Why is Pan not included with the other Gods? Can you ...
Greece is the birthplace of some of the world’s greatest minds, like Aristotle, Socrates, Plato, Democritus, Pythagorassome. It is where mythology originated, so you can thank the Greeks for mythological gods like Adonis, Hercules, Perseus, Orion, Athena, etc. And of course, Greece is the...
In pre-Hellenic Greece the planetary power of Saturn was peace. Rhea loses a lot of her importance in the Olympian creation myth, but still holds some power. She causes her husband Cronus to stop eating his children, saves Zeus and (indirectly) brings the Olympian Gods into power. That's...
Her equivalent in Greek mythology would be Hera. She is thegoddess of motherhoodand her symbol is a peacock. She is the wife of Jupiter, who was also her brother, and the daughter of Saturn and Ops. Juno is considered to be the queen of the gods, and the goddess of motherhood and ma...