Dionysius isn’t a widely used name — it’s unique. However, if you want an alternative, the Roman equivalent is Bacchus, which resembles Marcus in some ways. 14. Endymion Endymion was a handsome figure from Greek mythology. He dwelled in the Elis region, where he was believed to be ki...
Anthesteria was a Greek festival held each year in honour of the gods, particularly Bacchus and to celebrate the beginning of spring. Antigone In Greek mythology Antigone was a daughter of Oedipus and Jocasta. She was celebrated for her devotion to her father and her brother Polynices. ...
Bacchus, alluding to the eternal youth of these gods, as the Greek youths allowed their hair to grow until they attained the age of manhood, though in the case of Apollo it may also allude to his being the god of the sun, whence the long floating hair would indicate the rays of the ...
170 ff : "The banks free of waves [of the river Patoklos (Pactolus) in Lydia] spirted up self-growing roses, the lily sprouted, the Horai (Horae, Seasons) crowned the shores while Bakkhos (Bacchus) bathed."HORAE GODDESSES OF THE FOUR SEASONS...
Greek Dionysus = Roman Bacchus God of Wine - HISTORY Amazon Warrior Women - HISTORY Double Strike Error Coins Countermark Coins Brockage Coins - HISTORY of Error Coins Persephone / Kore the Ancient Greek Goddess of the Underworld and Daughter of Zeus - HISTORY Odysseus the Greek King Hero ...
Dionysus (Bacchus) – Greek God of Wine and Grape Harvest Hades (Pluto) – Greek God of Underworld Hephaestus (Vulcan) – Greek God of Fire and Volcanoes Hera (Juno) – Greek Goddess – Queen of the Gods Hermes (Mercury) – Greek God of Transitions and Boundaries ...
(Bacchus) the God of enjoyment and merriment. He is often represented as a drunken fellow and also governs intoxication of wine, parties, festivals, and merry occasions.He us symbolized by grape vine and ivy. Hades (Pluto) He is probably the darkest of all Greek Gods, as he is the ruler...
Different Versions of the Birth of Dionysus By N.S. Gill Roman Equivalent The Romans often called Dionysus Bacchus or Liber. Attributes Usually, visual representations, like the vase shown, depict the god Dionysus sporting a beard. He is usually ivy-wreathed and wears a chiton and often an ...
Goats and goat sacrifice were also connected to the Pythia of Delphi, oracular priestess of Apollo.According to Burkert, at early performances of tragedy, choruses sang and danced the dithyramb, a song in honour of Dionysus (the god of wine and debauchery, equivalent to the Roman god Bacchus)...
Round him in a ring rushed the swarthy Indians at the summons of Bakkhos (Bacchus), and crowds of the woollyheaded men embraced the shepherd of the seals in his various forms. For in their grasp the Old Man Proteus took on changing shapes, weaving his limbs into many mimic images. He ...