CREATUREFORM Aegipan Half-Goat Man Amphisbaena Two-Headed Serpent Basilisk Serpent Bull Ethiopian Bull Catoplebas Bull Cetus Indian Fish-Tailed Animal Griffin Eagle-Lion Harpy Bird-Woman Leucrocotta Hyena Manticore Man-Headed Tiger Monoceratus One-Horned Horse Onocentaur Half-Donkey Man Ophis Pteretu...
In Greek mythology, the bucentaur was a mythical creature, half man and half ox Buryale Buryale was one of the Gorgons. Busiris In Greek mythology, Busiris was a king of Egypt and the reputed founder of the city of Thebes. He was killed by Hercules. Cadmus In Greek mythology, ...
Roman mythology features Cacus, a creature with an enormous spider body and three fire-breathing heads, who hunts at night for anything warm-blooded. Some monsters combine human and animal qualities. The tengu of Japanese mythology, mysterious and mischievous supernatural creatures, are part human ...
The Minotaur, a half-man, half-bull creature, was the child of King Minos and Pasiphae. Poseidon was angered when Minos did not sacrifice a bull for him. Poseidon made Pasiphae fall in love with the bull as a punishment, and thus the Minotaur was born. Another transformed monster is Scyl...
centaur half-human, half-animal creature with the body of a horse and the head, chest, and arms of a human patron special guardian, protector, or supporter Theseus's final adventures were less than glorious. Seeking another wife, he kidnapped a daughter of Zeus* (Helen of Sparta, later ...
The reliefs on the early pediments (the Temple of Artemis on the island of Corcyra) were replaced by round sculpture with a generalized working of the side turned to the rear, for example, Typhon in the form of a serpent-like creature with three human torsos and heads (c. 570) on the...
Prometheus did as he was told, and as a result those people who were originally animals have a human body but the soul of an animal."Aesop, Fables 247 (from Chambry 210) : "The lion often found fault with the way he had been designed by Prometheus. Admittedly, Prometheus had made ...
In The Odyssey, monsters like the Sirens, Scylla, and Polyphemus provide “new and interconnected methods” of defining what it means to be human (Cohen 7). The Oxford English Dictionary defines a monster as a “creature which is part animal, part human.” According to this definition, Odyss...
representing his link to rural music and the peaceful sounds of nature. Pan’s relationship with goats is notable as a half-human, half-goat creature. Goats are sacred to Pan and often appear beside him in art and folklore. The goat represents his relationship with nature, wildness, and fer...
Creatures which combine human and animal forms or various animals. These include creatures such as the Centaur (Horse-Man), Sphinx (Lion-Woman), Hippocamp (Fish-Horse), and Chimaera (Lion-Goat-Snake). 3. MYTHICAL ANIMALS Normal animals with some fantastic attribute. Examples include the winged...